Abstract Art
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Z-538, codenamed "Abstract Art" (individually "Abstractees") are monsters in Pressure that a player can randomly encounter while traversing the Hadal Blacksite or The Raveyard.
Absractees are statues made of concrete and rebar that appear in the shape of a polyhedral humanoid, some with no arms. Abstractees come in a various array of colors including blue, yellow, red, purple, and green.
When a player enters a room, there is a rare chance for one or more Abstractees to appear somewhere in the room. Abstractees are stationary and completely harmless, as they do not attack the player. There is a rare chance for a large group of Abstract Art to spawn, filling up the entire room. In rooms filled with Abstractees, one holds the Abstract Art document
The first known appearance of Abstract Art was in Western Ireland when property owners noticed multiple mysterious statues appearing across their land. Urbanshade took very little interest in the phenomenon until the property owners reported that the statues had begun to move between plots on their own. Agents of Urbanshade were sent out to investigate and after a short while a herd of statues was found moving in a forest. Following this, Urbanshade quickly put all known statues into containment and released a false news story labeling the phenomenon as an "art piece."
Z-538 were found in Western Ireland after a civilian reported concrete statues appearing in their property and eventually caught one moving. Urbanshade investigated and found the Abstract Art, making a coverup story and paying the property owner under the guise of being paid by the original artist. Abstract Art are made of metal and rebar, and simply move around to a place they find "interesting" before resting until they become "bored", and move on. Sometimes Abstract Art will fall behind their herd, these individuals stay dormant waiting for the herd to return, which sometimes never happens.
An example of two Abstractees, with a player walking past them.
Another example of Abstract Art.
A flash beacon being used on a herd of Abstract Art.
Concept art of the Abstract Art.
Two Abstractees together.
- The Abstractees' appearance is likely a reference to SCP-173.
- Abstractees are able to spawn in The Raveyard during the first Bouncer chase sequence, with up to three being spotted at once. It is unknown if they spawn anywhere else though.
- A single Abstractee spawning on its own is likely an example of a Abstractee faltering behind its herd as mentioned in its document.
- Alongside the Limited-Time Imaginary Friend and Styx, Abstract Art are the only things considered monsters that cannot harm the player.