Exclusive Monsters

From Pressure Wiki
(Redirected from Ambush)

Exclusive Monsters are monsters that do not appear naturally in Pressure, only encounterable once spawned by a developer of the game.

Lights Out


Lights Out does not have a physical appearance.


When spawned, Lights Out will move through the room, breaking all lights as it passes and continues to do so for the next two rooms. Lights Out does not damage the player.



Rush (also known as LegallyDistinctSmokeyFace) appears as a more detailed version of Rush from DOORS, with a grey smokey face with empty eye sockets and a large open smile.


Rush acts similar to The Angler. When spawned, it will start to flicker nearby electronics briefly before it approaches. Once close enough to the player, Rush will start screeching loudly, signalling players to hide.

When Rush advances through the room, any nearby players who did not hide in lockers, or did not stay out of Rush's line of sight will instantly die.

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Ambush (also known as LegallyDistinctGlitchyFace) appears as a more detailed version of Ambush from DOORS, with a white face with green shadows, two large empty eye sockets, and an elongated oval shaped mouth filled with a set of teeth.


Ambush acts almost similar to Froger. When spawned, it will start to flicker nearby electronics briefly before it approaches. Once close enough to the player, Ambush will start screeching loudly, signalling players to hide.

When Ambush advances through the room, any nearby players who did not hide in lockers, or did not stay out of Ambush's line of sight will instantly die.

Upon reaching the end of the current room, Ambush will "rebound", briefly pausing before rushing backwards and passing the player again. After heading back enough rooms, Ambush will advance again through the room. Unlike Froger, Ambush will not despawn after the third rush. Instead, it will rush backwards and pass the player a fourth time, before despawning.



  • Unlike Harbinger and The Educator, the other exclusive monsters do not have their own documents due to them simply being reskins made for entertainment purposes.
  • Lights Out was used during the recording of Pressure's Trailer.
  • Rush and Ambush do not have unique jumpscares, instead they use The Angler and Froger's jumpscares.
  • During the Accessibility Test, Rush was accidentally left enabled, allowing it to spawn normally without admin commands.
  • "Runner" and "Ambuscade" are unofficial names given to Rush and Ambush by the community.[1][2]


  1. "Legallydistinctsmokeyface" YourFriendZeal's response to being asked 'what's "runner's" name then? the same thing?' on Discord, September 2024.
  2. "his name is LegallyDistinctGlitchyFace" YourFriendZeal correcting someone calling Ambush Ambuscade on Discord, September 2024.