
From Pressure Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Blitz and the translation is 27% complete.

Z-283-Blitz, codenaam "Blitz", is een monster in Pressure en fungeert als een zeldzame bedreiging in de Hadal Blacksite en een variant van The Angler.


Blitz lijkt op een sterk vervormd grijze addervis met meerdere scherpe, dunne tanden en drie pupillen in zijn linkeroogholte. Zijn kenmerken zijn verwrongen, met zijn open mond die het grootste deel van zijn gezicht in beslag neemt. Blitz is constant verborgen door een dikke donkere rook, waardoor alles verborgen wordt behalve zijn gezicht. Zijn gezicht staat altijd tegenover de speler, ongeacht waarvandaan ze hem bekijken.


Blitz has a chance to spawn if the player's current or previous room has a valid hiding spot. When Blitz spawns, nearby electronics will flicker twice with two separate light flickering audio cues and begin advancing. As soon as Blitz reaches the room, he will screech loudly, which could be used by more experienced players as a signal to hide. Blitz moves extremely fast compared to Angler and other node monsters.

Blitz's raycast goes towards the players head, and will not kill anyone whos head is fully submerged.

Blitz is the second fastest node entity in the game, with The Multi-Monster being first place.


  • After a player spends a set amount of time in a room, there is a chance for Blitz or any other node monster to spawn. This is called a timer spawn.
  • Before a Blitz attack, the navi-path of the next door will flicker longer compared to Angler. Knowing this makes it easier to tell when Blitz is coming in dark rooms or while passing through a room with Eyefestation.
  • Blitz has different audio cues compared to Angler, making it easier to know if Blitz is attacking.

The Ridge

For more information, see: The Ridge

Blitz will spawn more frequently in the ridge, and will not be accompanied by any visual cues. Players are forced to rely on sound alone to know when Blitz is coming. Sound cues happen earlier while Blitz is attacking in the ridge, giving players more time to react. Blitz's earlier sound cue in the ridge will not be his scream, but rather a low droning noise before he reaches the player.


The best way to avoid Blitz is to hide before he rushes through the room. Cleithrophobia will usually give you enough time to survive Blitz, even if you hid somewhat early; as long as you hear Blitz's audio cue, cleithrophobia shouldn't kick you out by the time Blitz has passed through the room. However, hiding early is not viable for Ridge, where cleitrophobia is significantly faster. Blitz moves extremely fast compared to Angler, so be careful when timing your hiding.

Blitz uses a raycasting hitbox to create his line of sight, so hiding in places that cover your character completely (including office cubicles, separate hallways, and vents) will work in evading Blitz.


Main Article: Documents/The Angler



  • Blitz is a variant of Angler, sharing the same core mechanic. There are multiple other variant of Angler, including Chainsmoker, Pinkie, and Froger.
  • Blitz is said to be a guy. [1]
  • Blitz has an unused design which was repurposed for the admin-exclusive monster Death Angel.
  • Blitz's name is a reference to his speed. He is one of the fastest node monsters in game, thus his name.
  • Blitz, like Chainsmoker, has his own unique death screen. When the player is caught by Blitz, instead of a jumpscare appearing on the player's screen, the player's vision will turn dark and monochrome, and time will seem to pause. Blitz will then slowly 'step' toward the player before the player eventually dies.


  1. "blitz - guy" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.