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Lammelse, codenamed "Bottomfeeder", is a monster in Pressure. It acts as the main threat players will encounter while in The Dredge.


Bottomfeeders take the form of an oversized, parasitic slug. They have four antennas on their head. Two of them are green and large, while the other two are white and smaller in size. Its mouth is shaped like a claw, and its body is a dull gray color. It has 4 animals on its tail (which take up most of the Bottomfeeder's body), with each of them resembling different types of fish. Each one can be seen biting onto another's back. These animals also act as the hosts for the Bottomfeeder, providing sustenance to it.[1]


Bottomfeeder spawns exclusively in The Dredge. It will emerge from the water, following players as they go through The Dredge. When all players leave the water, the Bottomfeeder will submerge itself. Re-entering the water will result in the Bottomfeeder reappearing and continuing its chase. When it catches the player, it will force them into a minigame where they will have to spam Q and/or E to fill up a bar to avoid being eaten, with text underneath the bar saying "FIGHT BACK". The player will actively lose health during this minigame, resulting in death if they do not finish in time. If successful with filling the bar, the player will push Bottomfeeder away by punching it, causing it to roar angrily before retreating back into the water. On Mobile, the player gets 2 buttons on the screen to mash at the same time.


  • Unlike Skelepede, Bottomfeeder is server-sided, meaning everyone will be able to see and interact with the same one.
    • Because of this, every player that is in The Dredge will have to be on a dry surface for Bottomfeeder to despawn. Otherwise, Bottomfeeder will endlessly chase after any players still in the water.
  • Even after retreating back into the water, the Bottomfeeder will still make various noises. This may be a glitch.
  • Node monsters, including Pandemonium, can still spawn while the Bottomfeeder is active.
    • If one does spawn, it will submerge until it has passed.
  • Bottomfeeder behaves very similarly to Skelepede, sharing many of the same mechanics such as their movement, emergence from water, and charging behavior.
  • Escaping the dredge room type with the Bottomfeeder in it will award you with the badge Parale Parali
    • Before the Endless glitch not spawning Bottomfeeder was patched, if you escaped the roomtype it would still reward the badge.


Players can use various dry surfaces around the room in order to evade Bottomfeeder. If all players get onto dry surfaces, Bottomfeeder will temporarily despawn, which will allow players to reorient themselves. In the case that players are not near a dry surface, they can also avoid its attack by dodging its charge. This can be done by moving to the side as it charges.

If players find themselves in its minigame, they will want to rapidly press both Q and E as fast as possible, as this will fill up the bar faster than just pressing only one of these keys.


while the Blacksite was being built, the Lammelse species, dubbed "Bottomfeeder", was found. It resembled a big slug-like creature, with multiple fish latched onto the tail of it. When a Bottomfeeder needs a host or requires a new one, it sticks the tail of the newest and freshest fish out baiting nearby fish. After said fish bites on the bait, a toxin is released into said fishes body. Which locks its jaw in place, serving as a new host for the Bottomfeeder.

The Bottomfeeder will then take lots of nutrients from the fish, making it look more dead overtime. Which is why the oldest fish look worse.

The Bottomfeeder are a natural prey of the Searchlights, because of this they use the bait on their tail to prevent getting eaten by one. Which works out most of the time.

For more information, see: The Lore of Pressure




these are any normal images of a Bottomfeeder.

these are development images for The Bottomfeeder.

these are images that do not fit in any category.


  • Bottomfeeder predates Skelepede, first appearing in a development stream in August 2024.
    • Skelepede was likely a test to see how well Bottomfeeder will work in-game.
  • Bottomfeeder was originally going to have large worms as hosts instead of fish.[2]
    • Spoogynova, the voice actor for the Bouncers, suggested this change and made the concept art for it.
  • Lammelse means "Paralysis" in Danish.
  • The Bottomfeeder's hosts are in a food chain, with the most decayed fish being lower and the freshest looking fish being at the top.[3]
    • The more decayed the fish, the longer it has been a host of a Bottomfeeder.[4]
  • Bottomfeeder was added 2 days after the release of Four Point Five because its roomtype, The Dredge, was not finished in time for launch.[5]
