Deep Sea Bunnies

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Deep Sea Bunnies are an uncommon encounter in Pressure, acting as a way for players to trade their items in the Hadal Blacksite.


Deep Sea Bunnies are small creatures, no larger than that of the average house cat, that strongly resemble existing sea bunnies: a species of sea slug named Jorunna parva. They are presumably covered in a short layer of tiny, purplish rods (papillae), giving it a slightly furry and speckled appearance. Their heads are adorned with two sensory rhinophores, also purple. On the bottom of their head are two pairs of oral tentacles, that slightly resemble a mouth. Notably, Deep Sea Bunnies possess 8 stub-like legs, which differs from their aquatic counterpart- as well as an extra protrusion from behind that bears a similar appearance to a "bunny's tail".


On occasion, the player can enter a DSB room. In these rooms, a carpeted sub-area will contain 2-4 idle bunnies. Any of these bunnies can be traded with once by holding an item, and interacting with one of the bunnies. After the bunny walks into a small hole into the wall, it will return with an item of "equal value". Though, there is a chance the resulting item will be of higher or lower value as well. Once a bunny is traded with, it cannot be traded with again.


  • Trading with a deep sea bunny for the first time will award you with the "wawa" achievement.
  • Interacting with a bunny with an empty hand will allow you to pet it.
  • On rare occasion, specifically with higher value trades, a bunny may return with an activated landmine. Said bunny will then explode, leaving behind its legs and awarding the player with the "wops" achievement.
  • If a Node Monster goes through a DSB room, all bunnies will hide in the hole in the wall, exiting one by one after the attack.
  • In a run, more than one of the DSB rooms can spawn, giving you multiple chances of trading.
  • If you press H to dance near the Deep Sea Bunnies, they will dance with you.


For more information, see: The Lore of Pressure

The Deep-Sea bunnies were initally discovered during the construction of The Hadal Blacksite. After a Tungvest diver had one cuddle up against him, he jokingly asked a senior researcher to "give one of them lungs" so that he could keep it as a pet. The researcher, seeing this as a challenge, experimented on a wild DSB instance until it was capable of living on land. After further requests for DSB pets from other employees, hundreds of DSBs underwent the same mutation experiment. They were then allocated to break rooms, living inside of a carpeted enclosure where personnel could freely interact with them. At the time, around 380 instances were being kept in the blacksite.





  • Deep Sea Bunnies are heavily based on the real life animal Jorunna parva.
  • Profundus Jorunna Parva, the supposed binomen for deep sea bunnies mentioned in its document, means quite literally "deep" sea bunny.
  • The current background art for Pressure displays a Deep Sea Bunny blown up, leaving only its legs behind.
