Documents/Abstract Art

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This document details the behavior and discovery of Abstract Art. This document can be found in rooms which are inhabited by a herd of Abstractees, with one of them possessing the document in its hand.


The Abstract Art document. Click to enlarge image

Z-538 - Codename: "Abstract Art", are harmless sentient statues made of concrete and rebar.

With their first recorded appearance being in the middle of 2018, Z-538 were discovered in ████████, Western Ireland, when the property owners had reported that a numerous amount of weird concrete statues had started appearing on their land. This wasn't originally anything of interest until the property owner reported the statues moving between his plots. Urbanshade agents were sent to check out the phenomena, and shortly after, found a herd of Z-538 moving through ████ Forest. Any Z-538 instances that could be found were quickly rounded up and transported to the Blacksite for containment and study. The incident was covered up in the news as an elaborate art piece, and the property owners were compensated for any damages caused by Z-538, paid for by "the statues' original artist".

Each individual Z-538 instance, nicknamed "Abstractee", is about twice the height of the average person, measuring around 8-12 studs tall. An Abstractee which was deconstructed revealed no internal components besides concrete and rebar used for structural stability. It is currently unknown how or why Z-538 is able to move, much less where they came from. Investigations are currently ongoing on their source so that their creator can be brought in to make more Z-538 move in herds, usually 25-40 at a time. They don't seem to have any goal on where to go, simply moving until they find an area they find "interesting". The herd will then rest at the new location for 4-9 hours, before getting "bored" and moving to a new location.

Sometimes, Z-538 instances will falter behind the herd, and will then hibernate in the spot where they were lost until the herd returns for them. This resulted in standed Z-538 instances still lost in random places in Ireland, waiting for a rescue that never arrives. These instances are brought back to the Blacksite if found in the wild.

Z-538 has been deemed of no monetary value, and the Abstractee's are now being sold at The Anomalous Auctions.