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(Created page with "__NOEDITSECTION__ == The Mindscape == thumb|The Mindscape document. Click to enlarge image|right J-123 - Codename: "The Mindscape" is an astral plane beyond our own borderworld. LR-P's taken to J-123 equipped with CCMMM cameras and proper radio equipment have described the plane as a white void with gigantic floating gears in the distance. They also reported that their colours were inverted, that they could hear footsteps of others without being...")
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== The MindscapeDescription ==
This document details information about The Mindscape and its various related anomalies. This document can be found in the Mindscape [[Heavy Containment]] room.
== Document ==
=== The Mindscape ===
[[File:Placeholder.png|thumb|The Mindscape document. Click to enlarge image|right]]
J-123 - Codename: "The Mindscape" is an astral plane beyond our own borderworld. LR-P's taken to J-123 equipped with CCMMM cameras and proper radio equipment have described the plane as a white void with gigantic floating gears in the distance. They also reported that their colours were inverted, that they could hear footsteps of others without being able to see anyone, and that an identical copy of J-123-1 was seen floating within the plane. Pictures sent back from J-123 with the CCMMM cameras showed as much, except for the inverted colours. The colour inversion seems to only affect the eyes and does not affect any electronic equipment.
J-123-1 is a white floating orb, measuring at a 4 stud diameter. The orb is constantly emitting weird muffled indescribable noises, and is constantly floating 5 studs off the ground. J-123-1 is smoothesmooth to the touch, and can be pushed around as seemseen fit. It is currently unknown what the point of J-123-1 is, or what purpose it serves besides being a beacon and object of interest to J-123-4.
J-123-2 is a set of white glowing gears, identical in appearance to the ones inside of J-123, but nowhere near in size. The gears are constantly spinning in place around J-123-1. Wherever J-123-1 goes, the gears float along. They don't seem to serve any known purpose.
J-123-4 - Codename: "[[The Man from the Mindscape|The man from the Mindscape]]", is as the name suggests, a dweller of J-123. Taking the appearance of a tall white humanoid. It is currently unknown if there is only one or multiple J-123-4 Instances but it is assumed to be only one. J-123-4 has the ability to manifest and de-manifest outside of J-123 in a ██ by ██ studs radius of J-123-1. If J-123-4 enters the vision of someone, it'll instantly de-manifest. If the person observing J-123-4 is currently not being watched by someone else, there is a small chance that the observer is taken along to J-123. Fortunately, CCTV seems to have the same effect as being observed by a person, meaning that even if an individual is within a CCTV camera's line of sight, they won't be taken. If J-123-4 is spotted in a room without CCTV observation, the statistical chance of being taken, as shown by testing, is only as low and 0.23%. So far, only 2 employees have been unfortunate enough to roll and win the 0.23% lotto.
J-123 can only be accessed by Z-123-4 taking them with them. Once someone has been taken, there is no currently known way out.