Documents/The Raveyard

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This document details the history of The Raveyard and its annual October skeleton rave party. This document can be found in the church at the end of the Raveyard Expedition on the pew closest to the stairs, accompanied by glowsticks.


The Raveyard

The Raveyard's document. Click to enlarge image

Z-563 Codename: "The Raveyard", is the annual anomalous October skeleton rave party, taking place at the ████████ Graveyard.

Hosted by "DJ Skeletunes", hereby referred to as Z-563-1, Z-563 manifests itself in the center of the ████████ Graveyard, located in Eastern Scotland. Z-563-1 and his band of party-going skeletons, hereby referred to as Z-563-2, set up a stage and then vandalise the Graveyard whilst throwing a party. They then continue partying until the rave is shut down by outside forces, with the longest documented party going on for 16 days before intervention became necessary. With the first Z-563 event taking place in 2017, the regional police was dispatched to check out the graveyard, as locals had filed numerous noise complaints, in turn discovering the event.

Unable to handle the situation, The Scottish Government contacted Urbanshade to shut down the event, with generous compensation.

Operatives were sent to investigate, and shortly after sent in gunships, opting to simply blow up the event area. Z-563-1, not taking kindly to our reasonable acts of aggression, started to attack the gunships, knocking them out of the sky. Even though Z-563 was blown asunder, the cost of the destroyed gunships marked the endeavor as a net loss.

A year later, Z-563 manifested once again, with all damage from the previous year restored. The Scottish Government contacted Urbanshade once again to shut it down. This time, the event was infiltrated with a bit more caution. Armed with rocket launchers, the operatives were instructed to, and successfully managed to shoot the stage's Raveyard sign, ending the rave. As a way to turn the 'G' sign back on, an electrical switch was installed atop the bell tower in a nearby church, as it was becoming increasingly difficult to cover up all of the loud explosions. All an operative needs to do is avoid Z-564, and make their way to the top of the tower to flip the lever.

Though a way to shut down the "Raveyard" event for good has been discovered, achieved by performing the Blood Bone Ritual, it is within Urbanshade's best interest to not do so, as we'd lose out on the yearly governmental raid salary.

Addendum - 2 new anomalous threats were discovered during the 2024 party poober expedition: Z-565, "Skelepede" and Z-566: "Candlebearers". Though roaming the same location, there have been no links affiliating them with Z-563.