Emergency Lights

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Emergency Lights are a game mechanic in Pressure that assists players if they have been in dark areas for too long.


In a dark area, if players stay still for about 40 seconds[confirmation needed], the Emergency Lights will turn on, helping them see when there's no other light source by creating a dim red glow. If the room number is below 15 and the next room is dark, the Emergency Lights in the newly opened room will be on for a few seconds, providing a quick preview of the next room before flickering very fast then turning off and leaving the room in darkness.


  • Squiddles will instantly despawn once the Emergency Lights turns on.
    • Emergency Lights can stop Candlebearers from moving or attacking the players as well.
    • Emergency Lights will not stop Candlebrutes from attacking.
  • Some rooms like the outside of Sebastian's shop or Maintenance Tunnels have emergency lights on automatically.
  • In The Ridge, the Emergency Lights will take longer to turn on, around 2 minutes.
  • When Harbinger spawns in endless mode, all of the lights in the room will turn the same red as emergency lights, whether or not the room is lit.


  • When the player is in the Hotel Rooms, the Emergency Lights will be colored blue instead of red. This is a reference to Guiding Light, who serves a similar purpose to emergency lights in Doors.


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