Gambling Room

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The Gambling Room is a rare sub-room within Pressure where players can use Research Research to gamble for items or to buy rare and exclusive items.


The Gambling Room is a hidden sub-room located within destroyed rooms. A dealer, known as Rachjumper, hosts a "loot chest" game at a neon purple table that can be played for 35 Research Research. Players who participate in this game will roll for a random reward from the chest. There is a preset list of possible prizes and all of their rarities displayed above the table.

Next to the dealer, a skeleton resides over a Research Shop with a variety of listed rare items on the shop screen beside him. It is here where the player can spend a large amount of Research Research to buy various items, that are extremely rare through regular gameplay.


  • A 500 Research Research cube spawns next to the loot chest to provide players with extra Research Research to spend.
  • This is the only location were it is possible to buy all the Rare Items in the game.
  • This room is one of three places where players can obtain the Party Special. The other two being the Cabin Room and Club Spectrum.
  • If you have a Necrobloxicon in your inventory while gambling and you win a second Necrobloxicon, the item won't appear in your inventory, as you cannot hold 2 of the same light source.
  • Despite the Gambling Room having only one unenterable door, Good People are still able to spawn in it.



The loot chest odds displayed next to the dealer.

With the loot chest on the neon purple table, the player can roll with 35 Research Research for a chance to win a prize.

The loot chest has the following odds:

Item Odds (%)
Nothing 74%
100 Research Research 20%
2 Batteries 3%
The Necrobloxicon 2%
Party Special 1%

Research Shop

The Research Shop list of items that are available for purchase.

By scrolling through the shop screen, the player can check the list of a variety of rare and exclusive items. When a player is ready to purchase an item, they can click on the listed item with required amount of Research Research to buy it.

The list of items in the shop has the following:

Item Price (Research)
Splorglight 2500 Research
Notebook 2500 Research
Gravelight 2500 Research
Necrobloxicon 1500 Research
Gummylight 1500 Research
Dweller Chunk 1500 Research


Main Article: Rachjumper#Quotes




  • The dealer is rachjumper, who's the creator of "Before The Dawn", "Slash" as well as "Survive The Night", all of which are referenced in-game.[1]
