Good People: Difference between revisions

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== Trivia ==
* Z-96 is most likely a reference to [ SCP-035] respectively.
* Good People was originally named The Tricksters, but it was changed to avoid the "boring naming convention" of DOORS.<ref>[ "trickster follows the boring doors naming convention of just naming it what it does"] YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.</ref>
** 'Good People' was partly inspired by a dream YourFriendZeal had, which was when he changed its name.<ref> [ "I had a dream where trickster was renamed to "Good People,..."] YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.</ref >
** The name Good People also comes from the fact that Z-96 is composed of the assimilated bodies of hundreds of UrbanShade employees, "Good People".<ref> [ "...cuz of the whole consuming the bodies of the employees"] YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.</ref>
* Z-96 was originally a standalone item known as the Mask of Sadness before being forced onto a researcher by [[Sebastian Solace]] and assimilating 108 researchers.
** The Mask of Sadness was originally intended to be used for infiltration tactics.<ref>[ "...mask was an item meant to be used in infiltration tactics"] YourFriendZeal on Discord, </ref>
* Z-96 uses the pronouns of all its victims, meaning that Z-96 identifies as the following pronouns.
** <div class="mw-collapsible">He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him He/Him She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her She/Her They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them</div>
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* Z-779 is most likely a reference to [ SCP-079] respectively.
* Z-779 was once an AI that gained sentience, finding passion in making art, however, it was later trapped in a hard-drive and used by [[Urbanshade]] to mine Roblux Crypto Currency.<ref>[ "Hes an AI artist. Literally. Hes an AI art program, who grew a little too sentient. It was downloaded and trapped on a harddrive and is now used as a bitcoin miner"] YourFriendZeal on Discord, May 2024.</ref> <ref>[ Image of the words "Roblux Crypto Currency"] by YourFriendZeal on Discord, May 2024.</ref>
** '''Urbanshade: Hadal Division and its developers do not support the usage of AI for art generation. Any references to AI art generation is for the sake of story.
* Z-779 enjoys creating landscape art.<ref>[ "Landscapes"] YourFriendZeal's response to being asked "what kind of art does 779 make" on Discord, May 2024.</ref>
* Z-779 has a high regard of Sebastian Solace <ref>[ "He loves Seb"] YourFriendZeal on Discord, May 2024.</ref> as he was the one to connect it to the network.<ref>[ "Seb rigged him up to the network"] YourFriendZeal on Discord, May 2024.</ref>