Hotel Rooms

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Hotel Rooms are a rare room type found in the Hadal Blacksite.


The Hotel Rooms is a series of room types designed to mimic that of a rustic, carpeted hotel, with some of the facility aspects of the blacksite still present, such as the mechanical doors. Players enter this room type via an elevator that appears in a room, they then must wait a few seconds before the elevator opens to The Hotel Rooms.



  • The inspiration for the Hotel Rooms is from the game DOORS, one of the main inspirations for Pressure.
  • During the beginning of the elevator ride, a remix of the elevator theme from DOORS, "Elevator Jam", plays through the speakers. [1]
  • The Hotel Rooms has a unique variant of Sebastian's Shop, designed to look like Jeff's Shop from DOORS.
  • When the player is in The Hotel Rooms, the Emergency Lights will be colored blue instead of red.
    • This could be a reference to Guiding Light, who serves the same purpose as emergency lights in DOORS.


  1. Elevator Jam (Pressure Ver.) WalletInspector on YouTube