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Items are a core mechanic in Pressure, being tools that the player can find in their expeditions. Each item provides a different function intended to assist the player in surviving. Below is a list of all items.

Light Sources

Light sources are items that produce light to illuminate the player's surroundings. Below are all light sources:


Consumables are items that can be used by the player with a limited number of uses. Below are all consumables:

Auto-use Consumables

These consumables cannot be held like other items and are automatically used upon collecting.

Rare Items

Rare items are items that are considered exclusive or unobtainable by normal means, usually through limited-time events or different expeditions, or are found much less frequently than regular items. Below are all of the rare items:



  • The keycard is the only consumable item that does not take up an inventory slot, having its own dedicated slot.
    • This was added in the Four Point Five update. Previously, keycards took up one inventory slot.