Limited-Time Imaginary Friend/pt-br

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This page is a translated version of the page Limited-Time Imaginary Friend and the translation is 5% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

See Voicelines for all voicelines}}

Z-432, codinome "Limited-Time Imaginary Friend" é um monstro pacífico em Pressure, servindo como uma companhia durante o jogo.


The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend é uma figura humanoide vermelha com dois olhos vazios e uma boca que permanece sempre aberta. No lugar de suas pernas, seu corpo transita para algo semelhante a uma poça. Ela possui um "colar" vermelho que envolve seu pescoço.


Para chamar a Limited-Time Imaginary Friend, o jogador deve encontrar seu controle de brinquedo. Em raras ocasiões eles podem ser encontrados nas gavetas e armários de itens, ou nas salas de Heavy Containment juntamente de seu documento. Uma vez que usado, o controle irá parabenizar o jogador e desejando que ele aproveite sua "real e não tão imaginária amiga!" Pouco tempo depois, a Limited-Time Imaginary Friend irá aparecer próxima ao jogador.

The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend, the creature that manifests from the remote, appears as a red humanoid figure with two black eyeholes and a mouth with sharp teeth that is always open. Instead of having legs, her body expands into something that resembles a puddle. She has a red "collar" that extends around its neck.


In order to summon the Limited-Time Imaginary Friend, the player must first obtain a Toy Remote. These can be found rarely in drawers and item lockers, or in a Heavy Containment room along with its document. Once the player interacts with it, it will congratulate them for using it and tell them to enjoy their "real, not-so-imaginary friend!" Afterwards, the Limited-Time Imaginary Friend will appear near the player.

Uma vez que gerada, a Limited-Time Imaginary Friend irá ficar a 40 studs (cerca de 11,2 metros) de distância do jogador pelo resto do jogo, se movendo de acordo com ele. A cada 30-100 segundos ela irá falar uma de suas frases, as quais normalmente não possuem relação com as circunstâncias atuais do jogador.


  • The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend sempre será visível, mesmo que uma parede esteja obstruindo ela.
  • Cada jogador poderá ver apenas sua própria Limited-Time Imaginary Friend, tornando ela uma mecânica local.
  • É possível que o controle de brinquedo seja gerado na sala inicial, entretanto essa ocorrência é rara em razão da baixa porcentagem de geração dele.

However, as of the "Four Point Five" update, she will occasionally warn the player when a monster attacks, such as telling them to watch out when The Angler or any of its variants spawn, or advising the player to not let Pandemonium see them during an encounter. She also has unique voicelines when entering Sebastian's Shop.

The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend will also move extremely close to the player if the player has not looked at her for an extended period. During this state, her sprite will change, with her arms growing out more like a vine, and becoming darker at the ends. When the player looks at her, she will return to her original position, with her arms and body reverting back to normal.


  • The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend will always be visible, even if there is a wall obstructing her.
  • Each player will only be able to see their own Limited-Time Imaginary Friend, making this client-sided.
  • It's possible for the Toy Remote to spawn in the starting room, although this is very unlikely due to rare spawn rates.
  • The player may rarely hear a Limited-Time Imaginary Friend speak to them, even if they have not activated any toy remotes.
  • Multiple Limited-Time Imaginary Friend remotes can spawn in a single match. If a player activates one remote and then tries to interact with a second one, the popup will show up and be interactable, but it will not do anything.
  • Not looking at the Limited-Time Imaginary Friend for some time may result in her appearing behind the player, seemingly reaching in for a bite.

Após as pesquisas sobre os controles de brinquedo e a Imaginary Friend terem sido concluídas, funcionários começaram a pedir controles para uso pessoal. Alguns pretendiam assustar novatos, outros eram meramente curiosos sobre as propriedades da anomalia. Apesar da aparência da Imaginary Friend, alguns até mesmo queriam usar o controle para seu propósito original. O resto dos controles são vendidos nas Anomalous Auctions, consequência da falta de usos lucrativos para a Urbanshade.


Artigo principal: Documents/Limited-Time Imaginary Friend

After both the Toy Remote and the Imaginary Friend were studied, Urbanshade employees began requesting remotes of their own. Some wanted them for pranking new hires, others were simply curious about its properties. Some even wanted them for their intended purpose, despite the disturbing appearance of the Imaginary Friend. Urbanshade began selling the rest of the remotes in The Anomalous Auctions, as they found no monetary use for them.





  • O design da Limited-Time Imaginary Friend é baseado nas primeiras versões dos Squiddle.[1]
  • Apesar de sua aparência remeter uma foto estática, a Limited-Time Imaginary Friend na verdade usa um modelo 3D, podendo ser vista de diferentes ângulos em cutscenes do jogo, principalmente na cena final do jogo.[2][3]
  • A Limited-Time Imaginary Friend é atenciosa, ficando em silêncio para não perturbar o sono da pessoa.[4]




All of the recorded dialogue by SJ Harris including unused lines can be found here.


  • The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend's design is based on an early version of the Squiddle.[5]
  • Despite her sprite-like appearance, the Limited-Time Imaginary Friend actually uses a 3D model, as the creature can be seen from different angles in in-game cutscenes, most notably the ending cutscene.[6][7]
  • The Limited-Time Imaginary Friend is considerate, and will be quiet so that she doesn't interrupt a person's sleep.[8]
