Lore of Pressure
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The Lore of Pressure revolves around the corporation Urbanshade and the many events tied to it.
This article goes over the timeline of Pressure. Some of this information may be incorrect unless the source is cited.
Here's a timeline bar reviewing the entire history of before and during the lockdown.
Pressure Timeline

Hadal Blacksite Lockdown Timeline

Pressure Ocean Depth

Urbanshade is a corporation founded by Mr. Shade, with its main purpose being to make as much money as possible through its many worldwide facilities. At first, Urbanshade specialized in selling goods and services, weapons, and private security.[1] However, during one of their security tasks, they discovered an anomaly. Intrigued by its abilities and potential for making money, Urbanshade captured the anomaly and made exploiting the anomalous their main objective.[2] Note that Urbanshade only keeps captured anomalies if they're profitable; otherwise, they will be destroyed, sold off, or kept in containment if neither of these options is possible.[3]
Unexploded Ordinance

The Anti-Personnel Doorstopper and Anti-Personnel Landmine (APD and APL respectively) are the official Urbanshade tripwire and Landmine. APDs have multiple modes which determine shrapnel spread, depending on how much those placing them down want to injure their targets.
The modes are as follows:
Warning: which fires shrapnel at the feet of the enemy, intending to ward off non-combatant intruders of Urbanshade property.
Injure: which fires shrapnel at the legs, intending to cripple the enemy.
Guillotine: which fires shrapnel at the pelvis region, which causes dismemberment(and probably death) in 7/8 cases.
Lethal: which fires shrapnel at the head, intending to pierce the skull.
Collateral: which fires shrapnel with no specific trajectory, intending to injure anything near the blast

To protect Urbanshade personnel, there are LEDs on the tripwires that detect a tag in Urbanshade clothing. To cut down on weight, the lasers on APDs do not detect Urbanshade clothing and thus will cause the tripwires to detonate anyways if one steps into the wire. During the lockdown, Sebastian Solace planted many APDs across the site to prevent the acquisition of the Crystal. APLs have LEDs placed on them that detect Urbanshade clothing, although just like APDs, the detonation mechanism does not and the landmines will still detonate if an Urbanshade employee steps on them. Landmines automatically disable after a period of time that can be set before deployment, with the maximum time range of 12 years before needing to be rearmed. Also like APDs, Sebastian set them around the blacksite as well.
Hadal Blacksite
The Hadal Blacksite is a facility built inside of the Let-Vand Zone where Urbanshade conducts illegal activities far away from the public.
Into the Trench

In 1961, after a B-class cargo ship had sunk east of Iceland in the Norwegian Sea due to a recent storm, Urbanshade personnel were sent to survey the area. There, they discovered a previously unknown abyssal trench, measuring at a depth of 76400 studs. Around 67320 studs deep, the water pressure has an immense shift from a typical crushing depth to that of a regular swimming pool. Anything under the 67320 studs depth is called The Let-Vand Zone, while anything above that is called The Veil of The Let-Vand Zone. The veil acts as a natural blockade, requiring Urbanshade submarines to use jet engines boosting up to 2,300,000 studs per hour and easily piercing it.
After discovering this, Urbanshade quickly swooped in and blacklisted the newly found information before it reached public knowledge. Construction for the Hadal Blacksite was then started in 1962, with The Ridge being the first area that finished construction in 1963 and the rest of the Blacksite finishing in 1974. The location was picked due to the obscurity of the trench, meaning no governmental powers could influence anything inside it. Despite the underwater location, supplies are brought in and out regularly from multiple ports built in Iceland, Scotland, Norway, and Denmark, with some of them being fully dedicated military-purpose docks. One of the ports is the Submarine Bay hidden in the Faroe Islands,[4] with the traveling time between the two places by submarine taking about one to two hours long.
Convicts were used to help with the construction of the Blacksite. However, during construction, personnel would often see convicts trying to escape from the Let-Vand Zone. While this wasn't a big issue thanks to the existence of The Veil of The Let-Vand Zone, the issue came from having to get new convicts every time. To combat this, Urbanshade designed the Prisoner Diving Gear (PDG). Equipped with a remotely detonated modified shotgun shell pointed at the neck of the wearer, a guardsman or HQ can simply flip a switch to activate the shotgun and kill the convict instantly. After the creation of the PDG, escape attempts dropped by 98%.
Newfound Life
Life in The Let-Vand Zone was found to be relatively sparse. A fauna species, simply dubbed Parasites are the trench's main inhabitants. They are incredibly small and have adapted to the darkness. Urbanshade planted numerous green LED lights on the ocean floor to keep the parasites at bay. In case personnel were found swimming in darkness and overcrowded by Parasites, swimming to the lights and shaking them off will simply "burn them alive".
Search Party

Another species found exclusively in The Let-Vand Zone was a whale-sized organism called Vultus Luminaria, dubbed Searchlights. A Searchlight has 4 giant neon eyes under its stomach, with a large mouth filled with sharp, uniform teeth. Their 4 eyes emit light beams used for finding food. Once prey has been found, a "harpoon" will be shot out of its mouth, penetrating the prey before pulling it back into its mouth.
Unfiltered Waste
During initial construction, personnel discovered the Angler, a "creature" comprised of a cloud of black and dark blue smoke. A "face" can also be seen within the smoke, resembling that of an anglerfish. While trying to capture the Angler, operatives found that breaking its line of sight would have it simply pass by them, as it's partially blind. That cannot be said if the line of sight wasn't broken, as failing to do so will have it move in for the kill.
The Angler was not the only anomalous creature found during construction. Submerged near a thermal vent was a lump of decomposing organic matter, chemically similar to plastic with various manmade metals, which turned out to be a living creature. It also possesses an indeterminate amount of intraoral eyes, seemingly alive with no explanation. Dubbed Pandemonium, its top movement speed is close to that of a mid-sized marine predator. The internal eyes can spot small movements and light shifts at long distances. When a living subject has been found, Pandemonium will try to trap it in its orifice, which resembles a toothed mouth. The subject would then suffocate and get dissolved by unknown chemicals within. Operatives have observed that if a barricade was put between them and Pandemonium, it will ram its body into it until it either breaks or, after a variable amount of time passes, leave if attempts fail.
Fish Frenzy
Another creature discovered during Blacksite construction is the "Lammelse" species or the Bottomfeeder. The Bottomfeeder appears as an oversized slug with several paralyzed fish that appear to be biting on the Bottomfeeders tail. The Bottomfeeder gets said fish on its tail by raising its tail to attract fish. The fish then swims up to the Bottomfeeders tail and bites down on the tail. But instead of biting the Bottomfeeders tail off it gets a mouthful of a neurotoxin similar in structure to Botulinum, which paralyzes the fish. The Bottomfeeder then will root itself inside the fish's mouth and then into the rest of its innards. The Bottomfeeder will get almost all of its nutrition from the fish on its tail. The Bottomfeeder is the natural prey of the Searchlights. The creature will try to offer the Vultus one of the fish on its tail and in return the Vultus won't eat the Lammelse.
Deep Sea Cuteness
Additionally, the "Profundus Jorunna Parva" species, otherwise known as the Deep Sea Bunnies or DSB, were discovered during this time. The DSBs are cat-sized subspecies of Jorunna Parva which serve as Urbanshade personnel's breakroom pets. For a while, the DSB were largely left alone as they were not a threat. Then however, a diver came into contact with one and requested one be given lungs to be kept as a pet. After a few days of experimentation, a DSB was capable of living on land was given to the diver. After many requests from other personnel, a total of 374 DSBs were given lungs. The Deep Sea Bunnies can be found in breakrooms around the Blacksite. The DSB's are also known to hoard items stolen from personnel in their pens. Personnel can give a DSB an item or a food and in return the DSB will bring out an item in a similar value to the item it was given.
Bleeding It Dry
To generate more profit for the company, Urbanshade designed The Trenchbleeder Class Walker, measuring 1500 studs high and 1000 in length and weighing 220,600 tons. Its only purpose is to excavate the Let-Vand Zone of all its resources, such as natural minerals and oil, filling the role of a mobile oil rig and mining platform. Due to their weight, Trenchbleeders cannot walk on land as the ocean pressure is the only thing keeping them upright. A total of 4 Trenchbleeders were created, those being Leon, named after Mr. Shade's cat, Rose, named after a woman with classified actions, Lucy, named after Mr. Shade's stillborn daughter, and River, named after a man who "gave it his all" and died fighting the guardian angel on a banlands expedition. Once The Let-Vand Zone is stripped of its contents, all Trenchbleeders will be shut down and dismantled for parts except Lucy, which Mr. Shade specifically requested to be switched to free-roam mode, allowing it to wander on the ocean floor.
In 1967, Urbanshade discovered the skeletal remains of Thor. They noticed one of his distal phalanges was glowing, seemingly still full of electrical energy. Upon this discovery, Thor's corpse was brought back to the Blacksite[5] and a large reactor shaft was built into The Ridge, serving as a new home for the distal phalanx (now referred to as "The Crystal"). Its tremendous electrical energy powers the entire Blacksite, with leftover energy being sold off to Europe for extra profit.
Blacksite Assistance
Urbanshade's heavy security measurements that were made by personal funding.
Light 'Em Up

A decade later, in 1977, The Veil of The Let-Vand Zone was becoming crowded with a certain anomaly, capable of darkening the skies above the Blacksite in just 20 hours. While they were residents of the Let-Vand Zone since the start, they had never gone close enough to the Blacksite to cause any harm. The source of the disturbance is attributed to noise pollution from the Blacksite. Since bringing in weaponry wasn't feasible, the External Repellent System (ERS) was constructed, with construction being finished in 1979. The ERS is a series of torpedo flak cannons dug into the trench floor to allow safe movement in and out of The Let-Vand Zone. The ERS's ammo needs to be in abundance, and maintenance needs to be done regularly. Each shot of the ERS costs $40,000, capable of killing one of these anomalies and scaring off surrounding ones. Despite the cost, it was deemed acceptable to ensure the safety of the Blacksite. While the ERS was also used to scare Searchlights away from the Blacksite, the numerous continuous shots of it have made them adapt to the loud noise.
Artificial Aid
As the Hadal Blacksite expanded, the Navigation AI, shortened to Navi AI and referred to as NAVI, was designed to aid Urbanshade personnel in navigating the ever-expanding facility. Created in 1979, NAVI allowed personnel to use computers installed into the walls of the Blacksite to input their desired location, and would then guide the employees to said location via panels next to the doors.
Following the death of Mrs. Shade in 2005 and Urbanshade not being able to locate her in the Ocean of Souls, Mr. Shade ordered for NAVI to be given a voice based off of Mrs. Shade using samples of her voice. Due to frequent communications between NAVI and Mr. Shade, NAVI has taken on many of Mr. Shade's mannerisms, resulting in NAVI acting cold towards employees.
NAVI has evolved far beyond its original form, with its core undergoing large expansion since its creation. During a minor breach, NAVI excelled at guiding personnel to safety, with testing showing that it can even guide people into restricted areas in order to prioritise safety. Additionally, NAVI has been given a number of other jobs alongside guiding employees, which include but are not limited to:
- Surveillance
- Internal Tram Systems
- Log Archival and Storage
- Internal Defense Systems
- External Repellent Systems
- Submarine Transportation
- Trenchbleeder Mining
Anomalous Incidents
Explanations of other anomalous beings that Urbanshade has dealt with.
Take a Breath

Also in 1979, several Urbanshade operatives were called to the Amazon Forest. A small branch of a logging company had discovered a species of humanoid "people", mainly made of vines and plant-based materials. They were then dubbed The DiVine. A total of 320 instances of The DiVine was discovered and operatives took as many as possible back to the Blacksite. The logging company's employees were executed and the area of the forest was set on fire to ensure any trace of The DiVine was burnt. A fake news story was made about how a "sudden" forest fire had started and killed the logging workers.
Urbanshade quickly realized the capabilities of The DiVine, producing better quality oxygen at a much faster rate than regular trees. They were then put into the Oxygen Gardens sub-area and required constant maintenance by either watering them or giving fertilizers. Sometimes, certain instances of The DiVine had been caught attacking individuals invading their space as if they were someone they didn't recognize. Due to this, only designated gardeners are allowed to be near The DiVine.

In 1984, Urbanshade personnel went to a state-lead auction, where they found the Mask of Sadness. After reading a survivor's diary and being intrigued by the mask, Urbanshade bought it for $150,000. The mask originated in London on September 2nd, 1666 when it was used as a comedy mask for theatrical play. After a performer put on the mask during the play, it immediately began the M.o.S.A process, contorting and assimilating the performer's body into that of a meat blob. It then started consuming 710 of the 725 people in the theater, before tearing its way through the streets. The meat blob, however, accidentally knocked a lit street lamp into a hay pile, catching it on fire and causing it to spread throughout the city. This would later be known as the "Great Fire of London".[6] The fire soon consumed the meat blob, burning it into nothing but ash. The mask was found within in the mess 4 days later on September 6th and was stored inside Buckingham Palace.
After buying the Mask of Sadness, Urbanshade has kept it in storage, only to bring it out for "Scorched Earth" tier missions. While collateral damage and death will be done due to the meat blob, it is considered acceptable for these types of missions. Once used, the meat blob would be shot down by Urbanshade operatives, and the mask would be cleaned off before being stored again.
Rock of Nothing

In 1991, Urbanshade discovered Valcula Void-mass on the interior of a 30 stud radius asteroid that fell into the Atlantic Ocean. The Valcula was a small glowing rock, measuring 2 studs in radius. Quickly after discovery, the mass started to expand and Urbanshade operatives quickly brought it back to the Blacksite before it could reach destructive mass. In the Blacksite, the Valcula would often grow too much that it outgrew its containment cell. To combat this, the doors and windows of its cell are lit up with the Anti Digression Evaporation (AD-E) floodlights, preventing further expansion. Note that the AD-E system must be operational at all times, to keep the Blacksite from becoming nothing but a black smudge on the world maps. Throughout containment, personnel have noted five different instances the Valcula have spawned, each evolving more than the other. The spawn types started with small, leech-like slugs, before evolving to a failed humanoid figure, a redacted creature, a 4-legged creature incomparable to anything, and a larger, more rugged humanoid figure.
Valcula Void-Mass has been proven beneficial for Urbanshade, as the void-like substance it produces acts like acid, capable of burning through materials before it disintegrates. Tests have shown that a void-tipped 9ss (small stud) bullet was able to penetrate up to 34 sheets of metal. Due to this behavior, Urbanshade started producing bullets and shells tipped with a thin layer of the substance. Urbanshade ammunition has been skyrocketing due to its effectiveness in combat, with either side of conflict buying them in large quantities.
Wrong Exit

The Multi-Monster is a mysterious being that resembles a cloud of smoke with a large grinning face accompanying it. Amidst the smoke you can also see many other faces appear, some resembling itself, others resembling The Angler and its variants, and a few other creepy faces. This creature originates from the Rooms, a seemingly infinite dimension of corridors, and is capable of telepathic communication, being incredibly smart and even being able to write.
The Multi-Monster appears relatively friendly to the player, even though it attacks them, it seems to know that this death will not be permanent, even bringing Sebastian Solace a bundle of Gummylights to sell to you.
Eye See

The B.U.P.W.M program (Blows Up Pancakes With Mind) was an experiment to allow an individual to kill someone telepathically through eye contact. This works by beaming highly radioactive waves through a victim's optic nerve, causing their brain to melt inside. The first B.U.P.W.M program was done on a bull shark, gouging its eyeballs out and putting them in Rotten Coral for 18 hours, before injecting them with 20ml of CT-19, and putting them back into the eye sockets. For the procedure to work, the subject must be conscious at all times without any supplements given.
While the bull shark survived the procedure, it left lots of bodily effects, such as its body now being filled with tons of new eyes, inside and outside. The other side effect was turning the eyes neon green and replacing the pupil with an X. The shark was then dubbed Eyefestation. With the experimentation working, 16 other Urbanshade agents have gone under the procedure. The eye growth issue was ironed out and contact lenses were given to them so they wouldn't disrupt other personnel.
Organic Insulation

One day, Urbanshade operatives were called to an abandoned office complex in Los Angeles. 2 police officers could only describe finding human-shaped holes and meeting an "armless wooden human". The officers were searching for 4 online influencers who had gone missing in the complex, though no bodies were found. A total of 29 instances of the anomaly were found, captured, and brought back to the Blacksite for study. The anomaly's anatomy consists of only a stomach and multiple holes at its back where acid would be shot out. The front of it, which seems like drywall, is actually skin.
An interesting capability this anomaly has is its ability to camouflage itself with its surroundings. First, it would back up into a found position and spew out acid from its back, making a hole for itself. It would then climb up into the hole and fit perfectly within the wall, while its skin changed color to fit in. Due to this behaviour, they've been dubbed Wall Dwellers. Continuous research and studies are being done on Wall Dwellers in order to figure out how their camouflage works so that Urbanshade can apply it to their uniforms and other equipment needing camouflage.
Haunted Antique

The Redeemer is a metal revolver which, when picked up, causes a "demon" known as the hanger to appear, whom forced the victim to shoot themselves in the head. It was found at an antique store after a civilian fell victim to it and a private investigator investigating their death successfully killed the demon. Although she cannot be killed permanently, shooting her is the only way to survive and get rid of the suicidal urges and effects the gun causes. Once either the target or hanger dies, the gun disappears to a random location nearby.
Urbanshade has designated the Redeemer to be used in assassination contracts, where the target picks it up and shoots themselves. If they survive, Urbanshade offers a home security deal to the target. If they accept, those who placed the hit are hunted down, and are killed if they deny.
Mysterious Benefactor

Mr. Lopee is the ghost of a man that had died in the latter half of the 1900s. He is capable of teleportation and for an unknown reason has taken interest in the player, having Sebastian Solace aid them in many ways, such as paying for their revival and handing them documents on the threats they face.
The Banlands
The Banlands is a dimension where sinners are brought to after death. It is themed around classic Roblox, and it has cities were sinners taken out of the Lake of Lost Souls are usually brought to. As well as this, extremely evil individuals are treeified, the only exception to this rule being employees of Urbanshade as per the terms of their deal with the Devil.
Fallen Angel

In 2006, Urbanshade opened a gateway to The Banlands, prompting the "Banlands Expedition" led by the N.O.S.T subdivision.[7] There, they encountered the Guardian Angel of the Banlands for the first time. The Guardian Angel tried hoaxing the team back through the portal to Earth, accidentally stepping on expeditionee Rivers in the process. Mr. Shade saw this as the perfect opportunity to exploit The Guardian Angel. To avoid personnel retaliating against the assault of an innocent divine being, a story was fabricated saying that The Guardian Angel had mercilessly killed Rivers in a battle. To better sell the story, a Trenchbleeder was "Named after the man who gave his all in the first encounter against The Guardian Angel of the Banlands." Afterwards, Urbanshade constructed four "Heavenpiercer" Class Self-Propelled tanks, large guns resembling the Schwerer Gustav with tank treads.[8]
The second expedition occured in 2008, where they brought down the Heavenpiercers to ambush The Guardian Angel. Urbanshade had greatly overestimated the power of the angel, and only one shot of a Heavenpiercer was enough to obliterate The Guardian Angel's lower half and incapacitate it. After The Guardian Angel’s defeat, the Devil was pleased with Urbanshade and made a deal with them. The Devil promised that Urbanshade employees that went to The Banlands would be spared from treeification, a process where one's soul gets turned into trees.[9][10] In addition, the Devil carved the pentagram into the eye of God, publicly referred as the Moon, as an act of desecration,[11] thus preventing God from being able to peer into the Banlands to monitor it.[12] The desecrated side of the Moon is only viewable from the Banlands, while the people on Earth only see the other normal side.[13]

The heavily wounded Guardian Angel was taken back to the Blacksite, along with some treeified people found during the expedition.[14] Urbanshade would harvest the blood of the angel for an unholy benefit: once someone drinks a cup of angel blood, every sin would be obliterated from their body, sending them to heaven instead of hell on death. This would be saved only for employees retiring from Urbanshade, and for churches that bought the “Pureblood”.[15][16] Despite this, no amount of angel blood can help Mr. Shade, as his soul was deemed too impure.[17]

The absence of The Guardian Angel and God’s monitoring left The Banlands in disarray. Residents of The Banlands abandoned their posts as Heaven no longer had authority over them. This led to Lady Death, the one responsible for reviving the player after death, to neglect her duty of bringing souls to the cities of The Banlands. The Devil, unpleased with the lack of new “friends”, commissioned Urbanshade to build a new Ferryman, which is estimated to finish construction in 2026.
Second Wind
Soon after Urbanshade discovered the Banlands, Lady Death, also known as Death, was discovered. Death is a giant four-armed humanoid that typically wields a large scythe with an oar on its other end, and she is the former Grim Reaper, now fulfilling the job of the Ferryman after her husband, the previous holder of this title, was killed by the Guardian Angel of the Banlands, or so Urbanshade says. However, Death usually ignores her duties, typically spending most of her time at a pier overseeing the Lake of Lost Souls, only fulfilling her obligations of taking souls out of the lake if paid, which is usually done by Urbanshade personnel.
Exploiting the Anomalous
An explanation of the many anomalies Urbanshade has encountered following the Banlands expedition.
False Criminal

In 2013, Urbanshade brought in Sebastian Solace, a LR-P originally convicted of murdering nine people. He was found guilty and was sentenced to death by electric chair. However before this happened, Urbanshade quickly swooped him up and made a fake execution report, declaring Sebastian dead. 2 years later, in 2015, Sebastian partook in an experiment of merging DNAs of different creatures—a blue whale, a sea snake, a great white shark, a mutated anglerfish, a silver spinyfin, and a mantis shrimp, along with an unknown creature. The experiment worked, giving Sebastian the ability to breathe underwater. However, the bodily side effects left much to be desired, contorting his body into that of a sea serpent. The side effects were quickly ironed out and the gill procedure was applied to every guardsman in the Blacksite. One side effect that was not documented was that Sebastian had developed an immunity to drugs.
While the gap of reversing Sebastian's physical side effects was still feasible, it was not deemed necessary due to his LR-P status. 7 months after the experiment, it was found out that Sebastian did not kill the nine people he was originally accused of. Even with this revelation, it was best decided by personnel to not inform Sebastian, nor to release him back into the public, as he was already declared dead. Plus, the time to reverse his physical side effects was long gone at that point. To compensate, Sebastian was promoted to MR-P to give better living conditions and additional recreational programs.
Mystery Box

1 year later, in 2016, Urbanshade operatives did a raid on a "Cult of Noli" compound. Located in Rosebud, Montana, operatives discovered a box filled with unknown contents. Green fumes can be seen spewing out from the cracked lid. The material of the box seems to be of Soviet origin, sourced somewhere around 1932. Before operatives could capture and interrogate the cult members, they killed themselves, leaving more questions than answers. Despite the location, the chest and its innards have no relation to Noli, even himself questioning what the box was and why his followers had it.
The box has been kept in Heavy Containment, with two ventilation fans constantly sucking out the fumes to be disposed of, as inhaling them is dangerous. When inhaled, the gas will give the inhaler Arachnophobia, Cleithrophobia, Astrophobia, Erythrophobia, Cherophobia, Dystychiphobia, Capnophobia, and Ommetaphobia. Due to this nature, the box has been dubbed Paranoia's Box. The aforementioned phobias will only manifest once the inhaler is in contact with its related causes. Numerous attempts have been made to open the box, though each returned failure.
Mystic Beats

In October 2017, some citizens of Eastern Scotland had filed numerous noise complaints coming from a graveyard. Soon after, the Scottish Government sent the regional police to see the issue, only to be met with confusion. They saw an anomalous skeleton rave party, held at the center of the graveyard and hosted by a giant skeleton, named DJ Skeletunes. After being unable to settle the problem, the Scottish Government called on Urbanshade to shut down the event. Urbanshade operatives later sent gunships, with plans to blow up the entire area. After the area was blown apart, DJ Skeletunes knocked the gunships down, causing a big net loss for the company. The phenomenon was later dubbed as The Raveyard.
The entrances to The Raveyard are guarded by undead enforcers, named Bouncers, which would fend off oncoming trespassers into the rave party unless they follow the dress code, which involves removing their skin, muscles, and organs. Ignoring this simple warning will cause the Bouncer to start chasing the trespassers off around the graveyard. Seemingly, if a trespasser manages to evade a Bouncer for a period of time, he would call for backup, causing more Bouncers to appear and help chase the perpetrator. While they're immune to bullets, a direct hit with an explosive can easily destroy a Bouncer. Urbanshade has kept this method as a last resort, however, as citizens seeing the explosions would shed a bad light on the company.
One year later, The Raveyard reappeared in the same location, with damages from the previous year magically restored. The Scottish Government called Urbanshade again to shut it down. Urbanshade operatives later invaded the graveyard with caution, and while armed with rocket launchers, shot down the stage's Raveyard sign, ending the rave. An electrical switch was installed atop a bell tower in a nearby church as a way to turn the 'G' letter in the sign back on. Annually, Urbanshade would need to simply head to the bell tower and flip the switch to end the noises, simultaneously evading Bouncers while doing so.
Concrete Herd
In the middle of 2018, in Western Ireland, property owners were reporting about massive odd statues made of concrete and rebar on their land, measuring about twice the height of an average human. Soon after, a property owner caught the statues moving through his plots and called Urbanshade operatives to check it out. After arriving, they noticed a herd of the statues moving through a forest and quickly captured and contained them to be transported to the Blacksite. The incident was covered up by the property owners after receiving compensation from "the statue's original artist". Due to their appearance and anatomy, the statues have been dubbed Abstract Art, with a single instance being called an "Abstractee". They would move in a herd, between 25 to 40 at a time, to any area they found "interesting" before simply stopping and resting at the new location for about four to nine hours. This would repeat indefinitely. If an Abstractee was to be left behind by the herd, it would hibernate until the herd came back for them.
Got A Friend In Me
In early 2020, the "Anti-Loneliness tool" made by "Funblox" was on sale in convenience stores in New York. It was a toy remote with a button that when pressed, promised to rid the buyer of loneliness. However, once triggered, a voice can be heard from the remote, congratulating the user for using the item and telling them their new "very real, not so imaginary friend" will be with them for 2 days. Soon after, a red creature would show up behind them, with a fixed 40-stud distance away from the person. No matter the obstructions, the creature would always be visible to the viewer. After countless reports of the horrid creature, Urbanshade agents investigated and confiscated all instances of the toy remote, bringing them to the Blacksite. A fake newsletter would be published later, labeling the event as mass hysteria.
Dubbed Limited-Time Imaginary Friend, the red creature with a grotesque face is harmless and is capable of communication. However, the words it would say were always nonsensical. Talking to the red creature would be useless as it would either not talk back, or cut the speaker off mid-sentence. The toy remote would often be used as pranks for the new employees, by those finding the red creature interesting, and by those who just wanted to have a friend. Due to the toy remotes being unprofitable, all other instances of the toy remote are being sold at The Anomalous Auctions.
Artificial Inelegance

In 2023, 4 Urbanshade personnel who were "AI prompters" saw a particular online user's AI prompts being exponentially better than theirs. Filled with jealousy, the 4 personnel tracked down the user and broke into his house, kidnapping him along with his computer equipment. After some interrogation, the user explained he had somehow created a sentient AI program, uploading the art that it made. Unlike normal AI programs, the sentient AI program would digitally draw paintings on its own, with prompts being it seeing through its own webcam. Further interrogation was done, with the same question being on how the user had created such an AI. He was tortured and eventually killed after Guardsman Brian Christopher had tripped, and hit the user over the head with his rifle. With its creator now dead, the 4 personnel brought the computer with the AI back home. Unwilling to cooperate with the personnel, they disassembled the computer to see its inner workings, only to be met with old computer parts originating from the 1980s.
Now brought into the Blacksite, The p.AI.nter, its dubbed name, was interrogated by Blacksite employees regarding what had happened. After that, the 4 personnel were demoted to LR-P for unapproved murder and using Urbanshade's assets for such a death. Now in Urbanshade's possession, The p.AI.nter was sent to mine the Roblux cryptocurrency, which can be sold to the crypto market to generate profit. At the start, The p.AI.nter would often try to overload its system, killing itself. However, a promise was made, that if it generates Roblux for six days per week, Urbanshade will bring it to the surface on the seventh day so that it can draw landscapes again. Due to feeling depressed, The p.AI.nter's art has gradually descended in quality, now being as good as an average AI prompter.
God Is Coming

Later in the year, 2 police officers were sent to investigate a cabin in the woods near Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. There were numerous reports of a decline in the animal population in the local area and an incredibly foul odor from the cabin. Urbanshade operatives were soon sent, as the police officers reported "They had found the corpse of their wife", despite never being in a marital status. Later in the cabin, Urbanshade operatives discovered the corpse of my wife: a headless, skinless corpse strung up from a metal detainer. My wife was later transported to the Blacksite for safekeeping. After a questionnaire was done with 206 Urbanshade employees, no matter the race, gender, marital status, and preferences, all of them claimed that the corpse was their wife when an image of my wife was shown.
My wife has an anomalous ability to manifest the urge in anyone nearby to staple any small animals onto her carcass under the guise of her wish to regain her beauty. Some of the small animals include aquarium fishes, cats, hedgehogs, ferrets, and squirrels. This urge will only manifest if a small animal is in the area; otherwise, nothing will happen, and my wife will remain without her beautiful skin. Once enough dead animals are stapled, she will return to slumber for three to four days, before requesting a new set of animals to be stapled. Despite my wife not being profitable for Urbanshade, she must be kept safe to prevent the wrath of God.
Monster Mash

In October 2024, during the annual Raveyard cleanup expedition, a group of EXR-P was sent to shut down the rave, before the short way to the lever got blocked by The Raveyard's instruments, forcing the group to take a detour into the graveyard's crypt. There, they encountered a massive skeleton centipede with a skull for its head, and spines and ribcages acting as the legs. The centipede had candles along its body and in its eye sockets, giving it the illusion of having actual eyes. Due to this nature, it has been dubbed Skelepede. The EXR-P group mentioned how Skelepede was extremely aggressive, and would try to bite down anyone submerged in the same body of water as it. Whilst Skelepede can move straight at a high speed, it was amusedly bad at turning, giving the EXR-P group a chance to flee from the crypt.
After evading Skelepede, the EXR-P group tried to cross over a gap separating the crypt from the church. Unfortunately, the bridge had collapsed, causing them to cross over a wooden plank instead, conveniently placed there. Due to their sheer weight, however, the plank snapped, sending the group to the lower levels of the crypt, where they encountered the Candlebearers. The Candlebearers are giant sentient stone statues, acting as decorations for the graveyard, dating back to 1832. Candlebearers would chase the group in darkness, until light was shed on the statues, freezing them in place.
At the end of the expedition, the EXR-P group was called back for rebriefing, where they told Urbanshade everything that had happened. After the information load, Urbanshade operatives went to the graveyard and captured Skelepede along with all 548 Candlebearers to be brought back to the Blacksite, alongside the three larger Candlebrutes. These three individuals are much larger and aggressive, attacking those without lights unlike their smaller counterparts. Due to being unprofitable, Skelepede was exterminated and its corpse was sold to the local "CT Towers" amusement park as Halloween decoration. Also, its never-extinguishing candles now stay as decoration for a breakroom. Shortly after Skelepede got sold, however, Skelepede's corpse was found in a dumpster, presumably due to how heavy the skeleton is.
Dark and Darker

On October 12th, 2025, Squiddles, an unknown anomaly species was brought into the Blacksite, 2 days before the lockdown. 600 instances of Squiddles were found on a G-class cargo ship near the Norwegian Sea. After losing communication with rescue ships, Urbanshade was suspicious. In case it was a containment breach or a creature from the Let-Vand Zone had surfaced, operatives were sent to check out the issue. There, they discovered the Squiddles were selling distress signals in the middle of the night, and that the ship's power was out, shrouding them in darkness. A majority of the ship's crew had died, while only a few were found alive. The Squiddles were captured into containers and brought back to the Blacksite. The cargo ship and rescue ships were sunk, and all remaining survivors of the crew were executed. Urbanshade released a cover-up to the public, where a non-existent storm had taken the lives of the crew. Squiddles appear to prefer the darkness, as shining light on it will aggro it for an attack. Their "head" would also change appearance, conjuring up what they think is scary as a defense mechanism.
Blacksite Lockdown
A major incident where Urbanshade cannot contain nor clean up the huge mess during the chaos at its current state. It was caused by Sebastian Solace.
Return To Sender

On October 14th, 2025, during transport, Sebastian took a dosage of anesthesia, only to pretend to succumb to it and wake up unguarded. 5 minutes later, he killed an Elite Guardsman, taking his high-level keycard. Hastily, Sebastian proceeded to release as many anomalies as possible from their containment cells, causing a site-wide lockdown. Now in panic, Mr. Shade instructed all personnel to evacuate to the nearest Submarine Dock or hide in shelters and bunkers until things were all sorted out. External soldiers were sent to secure the Crystal in The Ridge. However, this was deemed impossible, as the Blacksite was now full of environmental hazards due to the released anomalies. In addition, reaching the Crystal wasn't possible without major losses. Luckily, Urbanshade had prepared the "Expendable" protocol, where EXR-P would be sent down to fetch the Crystal instead. 5 hours and 16 minutes later, the first group of EXR-P arrived at the Blacksite. While their primary objective is to contain the Crystal, their secondary objective is to gather as many loose assets as possible.
As no operatives were inside the Blacksite at the time, Sebastian planned to take his revenge on Urbanshade. 35 minutes after the lockdown, Sebastian broke into the containment housing The Mask of Sadness and took it with him. After finding a personnel, Sebastian forced the mask on the personnel's face, starting the M.o.S.A process. Now contorted, the anomaly went on a rampage and assimilated 108 victims. Near the end of the rampage, it found Guardsman Henry, who shot and hit the anomaly a couple of times. Now afraid and traumatized, it quickly fled the scene and hid in an empty room, never seeking confrontation again and only engaged if they entered its territory.
1 hour and 26 minutes after lockdown, Sebastian disabled the AD-E system in Valcula Void-mass's containment cell and opened its door before quickly fleeing the scene. Immediately, the Valcula started spawning six different instances of its different variants. Unfortunately, Sebastian forgot to turn off the Evaporation-Floodlights Contingency-Measure, evaporating and killing all the variant instances of the Valcula, except the brand-new sixth variant. Somehow, it had evolved to withstand the effects of the floodlights. 17 minutes later, a personnel turned the AD-E system back on. However, an estimated total of 6200-6700 instances of the variant were now loose in the Blacksite. Now dubbed Puddles of Void-Mass, these black masses with two glowing purple eyes and two tentacle-like arms hide in small, enclosed spaces, like lockers. When disrupted, it will pull the perpetrator inside, consuming it and digesting it.
While monitoring the lockdown situation, Urbanshade noticed "variants" of The Angler roaming the Blacksite from the CCTV. Dubbed Blitz, Pinkie, Froger, and Chainsmoker, they each acted similarly to the original Angler with some distinguishing factors. Although their origins could not be confirmed at the time, operatives have been reminded to deal with the variants as they would with the original Angler.
Using the EXR-P as incoming data finders, Sebastian set up a shop in his hideout, where he would trade away stolen items like Code Breachers and light sources for research data from the EXR-P. Through CCTV footage, Urbanshade observed Sebastian making encrypted radio broadcasts to Innovation Inc, Bloxtop, Deluge Labs, and Pinewood, seeming to gather more Urbanshade data in order to rebel one day with a rival company. With his plans noticed, Sebastian stole and reconfigured the experimental portable SCRAMBLER, capable of rendering any nearby CCTV cameras and radio offline.

4 hours into the lockdown, Sebastian came across The p.AI.nter, locked in Heavy Containment. Sebastian made a promise to The p.AI.nter that he could get it out if the Crystal retrieval was delayed. The p.AI.nter soon complied, as going back to mining Roblux is the least of its needs. After connecting it up to the Blacksite's mainframe, Urbanshade agents noticed this happening and quickly retaliated by remotely blocking as much access as possible from The p.AI.nter. While this worked, it still successfully managed to hijack the PA system, low-level clearance to the Navi-AI system, and access to the StaleBreaker Testing Grounds System, also hijacking the StaleBreakers. With its newfound ability, The p.AI.nter uses the PA system to lure the Mask of Sadness blob around the Blacksite, acting almost like a "dog whistle". At first, it tried to lure the blob near a group of Specialists, but it would always flee as it was still traumatized by its meeting with Guardsman Henry. Since then, it has been luring the blob into rooms with the Navi-AI, manipulating it to be the same number as the next room. Urbanshade operatives who saw this behavior dubbed them both Good People. Also using the PA system, The p.AI.nter found out that by broadcasting music that would disrupt the PDG's signal, it would trigger the shotgun, killing the user.
5 hours and 34 minutes into the lockdown, Sebastian came across Eyefestation's containment cell, opening it and letting it swim out into the ocean. However, instead of trying to leave The Let-Vand Zone, Eyefestation lingered around the Blacksite, seemingly finding people to kill as an act of revenge. Using the B.U.P.W.M side effects to its advantage, Eyefestation would force its prey to look and stare at it. Personnel returning from the Blacksite mentioned that when in gaze with Eyefestation, a voice in their head would tell them to look at it. Some of these voices replicated their relatives, loved ones, HQ, high commanding officers, and co-workers. It is currently unknown how it is capable of doing so.
At some point in the lockdown, the ventilation in Paranoia's Box's containment cell failed, giving anyone who entered the Blacksite all of the mentioned phobias in the document for Paranoia's Box (This is why the player has cleithrophobia).[18]
Valiant Hero
2 days into the lockdown, on October 16th, 2025, three Urbanshade employees came to a high-security prison, escorted by Guardsmen. They were looking for more people for the "Expendable" protocol, as an estimated 3000-5000 [19] had died while trying to retrieve the Crystal. Many inmates in the prison ended up signing up, including the player. The player is brought to one of Urbanshade’s docks located in the Faroe Islands [20] where they are met with other expendables. Transported to the Hadal Blacksite, the player was dropped off at Submarine Dock #13, as it was one of the safest paths to reach the Crystal. Equipped with the PDG and the Crystal Container, the player was quickly briefed on their task by HQ. After the briefing, the player grabbed a keycard located at the dock, opening up the first door in their long journey to the Crystal Room.
Unlike the other "Expendables", the player was capable of coming back to life after each death, whether they succumbed to the loose anomalies or the environmental hazards of the Blacksite. Mr. Lopee, after being intrigued by the player and seeing something in them, made Sebastian pay Lady Death to save the player from the Lake of Lost Souls upon death, allowing them to come back to life. His motives for doing this are currently unknown. To ensure the player would inevitably reach the Crystal, Mr. Lopee forced Sebastian to work for him by having him meet the player on death. Sebastian briefed the player with information regarding any monsters or hazards they died to. He only revealed a little bit of information each time, however, leaving the rest redacted until the player died additional times to the same monster or hazard.[21]

As the player made their way through the Blacksite, they were redirected to the Lunar-Grav testing track by HQ. Several pieces of the gravity-altering equipment were broken,[22] and the doors were remotely locked until they fixed them. After progressing through the track, the player reached a warehouse, where they met a Searchlight swimming in floating water. The exterior bulkheads leading to the Lunar-Grav testing track were left open due to no personnel keeping it in check. Because of this, a Searchlight was able to swim inside the bulkhead into the testing track. After the player fixed the remaining equipment required, evading the Searchlight in the process, they continued forward through the Blacksite. After traversing more rooms, the player eventually reached the entrance of The Ridge, known as the Crystal Room, where they successfully contained the Crystal using the Crystal Container, rendering the main power to the Blacksite offline. Ahead of that, HQ had mentioned that the player cannot simply walk back to Submarine Dock #13 after picking up the Crystal, as the External Repellant System had not undergone maintenance for some time, therefore needs fixing. Plus, a closer Submarine Dock was near The Ridge, meaning less walking for the player.
After traversing through the darkness of The Ridge, the player reached an airlock room. Upon entering the room, the backup generators kicked in, lighting up the Blacksite again. HQ mentioned that the generator shaft, powering the ERS dug into the ocean floor, had its power cables broken. While the repair crew was scheduled to arrive that day, the player was already where they had to go, making them "right on time." Trenchbleeder Lucy was seen stationed outside to lighten the area for the player. Swimming outside, the player encountered another of the Searchlight species. As the player fixed cables, more Searchlights started swimming around until up to three of them were roaming the area. After finishing repairs and turning on the ERS, the player headed back towards the Blacksite. As they got close, they got caught by another Searchlight, who swooped in on their position. Before the Searchlight got close, they were saved by Trenchbleeder Lucy, who stomped on the Searchlight.
HQ apologized for Lucy's sudden behavior, confused how she had moved autonomously, and told the player to reach the nearby Submarine Dock #235, as a submarine soon surfaced to get them out of there. After resurfacing back at the Submarine Bay, a guardsman forcefully took the Crystal Container. He brought it over to Mr. Shade who was now 119, in a wheelchair with tank treads, along with an inbuilt chamber for whiskey and scotch.[23]
The player was then put into the back seat of a military vehicle with two guardsmen tagging along. 12 minutes after leaving, the guardsman beside the player received a notification on his phone and started to read something from it. The guardsman says, "Mr. Shade would like to thank you personally. 'can someone find the record for the prisoner's name?' for your valiant effort in completing your task unscathed. Your criminal record has been purged, and the money has been deposited into your bank account under the guise of reprimands for false imprisonment. A fake news story will be published shortly to clear your image in whichever community you originated from." The player arrived at Vágar Airport a few hours later and was given their plane tickets. As they're about to exit the vehicle, a few lines can be heard from the guardsman.
"Don't bother telling anyone about anything you saw. No one is going to believe you anyway."
After the events of the game, the Blacksite becomes fully operational as if the breach had never happened by the end of 2025, which would be in approximately 2 months.[24] Sebastian Solace is confirmed to have survived after the lockdown,[25][26] likely with the help from a rival company, and Eyefestation is hunted down and killed once Urbanshade retakes the facility.[27][28] However, the fates of p.AI.nter and the other entities are currently unknown.
- ↑ "that sells goods and services, weapons, and private security" YourFriendZeal on Discord, November 2023.
- ↑ "and after that they decided to focus on that instead of just protection" YourFriendZeal on Discord, November 2023.
- ↑ "and if it isn't profitable, its destroyed" YourFriendZeal on Discord, December 2023.
- ↑ "Zeal when asked where the Submarine Bay is located" YourFriendZeal on Discord, June 2024.
- ↑ Zeal implying Thor's corpse is in the Hadal Blacksite YourFriendZeal on Discord, November 2023.
- ↑ The dates matching the event.
- ↑ "na they summoned a portal to hell, sent an expedition there" YourFriendZeal on Discord, November 2023.
- ↑ "This is what the heavenpiercher looks like btw" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "They made a deal with the devil that their employees specifically would be spared from this" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ Zeal explaining treeification YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "The devil thought it'd be funny to carve the eye of god as desecration" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "How else does he keep tabs on hell" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "The moon on earth is the side we see whilst the backside of the moon is that in hell" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "Trees r dead people that they uprooted from hell and took with them" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "Angel blood is so pure and holy that when consumed, it obliterates sin from ur body" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "urbanshade hands out cups of angel blood to employees who are quitting/leaving so they don't go to hell anymore btw" YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "hes so utterly foul that not even angel blood is enough to cleanse his soul" ozerum on Discord, July 2024.
- ↑ "cuz ur inhaling gas" Zeal's response to someone asking why we have Cleithrophobia YourFriendZeal on Discord, May 2024.
- ↑ Zeal responding to the count of expendables sent in before the player YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "faroe islands" Zeal responding to where the lobby is located YourFriendZeal on Discord, August 2024.
- ↑ Zeal confirming how death works YourFriendZeal on Discord, April 2024.
- ↑ "gravity orbs" Zeal's response to how the water floats in the testing track YourFriendZeal on Discord, June 2024.
- ↑ "mr shade is 119 years old, and his wheelchair has an inbuilt chamber for whiskey and scotch" YourFriendZeal on Discord, May 2024.
- ↑ "blacksite will be up and running like it was pre-breach before 2026" YourFriendZeal on Discord, August 2024.
- ↑ "I was literally told he's not dying lmao" onion_panikc on Discord, October 2024.
- ↑ "I'm the proof" "hope this helps" Zerum verifying Onion's statement ozerum on Discord, October 2024.
- ↑ "Once they take back the base, eyefest will be hunted down and killed" YourFriendZeal on Discord, June 2024.
- ↑ Zerum confirming that the responses in the semi-canon comic are canon ozerum on Discord, July 2024.