The Necrobloxicon is a type of extremely rare light source in Pressure. It is a book based on the Necronomicon and emits a red glow when first equipping it.
The Necrobloxicon can be toggled on and off by the player; when in use, it glows a vibrant neon red. Players can change the color of their Necrobloxicon by right clicking their mouse or pressing the button with Noli's face on it on mobile. While The Necrobloxicon is on, it will slowly lose charge until it runs out. The Necrobloxicon can be recharged with batteries. Over time, The Necrobloxicon will also passively regain charge.
The Necrobloxicon can toggle its color during use. This does not change it's ability.
The player can anger Squiddles in a 360° radius with The Necrobloxicon, similar to the Lantern. However, Squiddles are not angered during the equipping and unequipping animations.
When in use, The Necrobloxicon emits a quiet humming sound, potentially drowning out sounds from monsters.
The Necrobloxicon currently has a bug that prevents it from enraging Squiddles when toggling the color repeatedly.
The Necrobloxicon cycles through five colors in order when the change color button is pressed. These colors are red, green, cyan, purple, and yellow.
Using a battery to recharge The Necrobloxicon will restore 75% of its maximum charge instead of the usual 50% for most other light sources.
The yellow cube that is used in the Necrobloxicon is also used as the most expensive currency item, being the Box, which gives 500 Research.
This was translated from Danish to Younger Futhark Runes.
Translation from Runes to Danish to English will be slightly inaccurate as the Runic alphabet is based on sound, so similar sounding letters are merged into one rune.[1] This means that some guess work needs to be made to create a word with the letters that correspond with the rune (e.g. ᛒ = b & p, ᚴ = c, g, k, & q, etc.).
It is recommended to have a Danish speaker read the romanization of the Runes out loud before translating.[2]
Some hints provided by Zeal include:[3] bisuor = besvær iig = jeg hirrigÅrt = herregård sgriuir = skriver tioluin silu = djælven selv uin = ven tibiri = dybere tut = død
The front cover of the Necrobloxicon is in English instead of Danish and says "ᛚᚬᛋᛁᚱᛋ ᚬᚾᛚᛁ", which translates to "Losers Only".[4]
The first five lines are from the original Necrobloxicon text, which was written in English.[5] This was likely used as filler.
The original Necrobloxicon text repeated three phrases: "A carved pentagram", "It bleeds from the cuts on its crust", and "Is the moon".
Rough translation to English (excluding the half originally in English):
First Page
Second Page
Drowning in an ocean of corpses. Sinking deeper and deeper. I was dead. I felt everything. No sound. No memories. I only had my mask. I only had my crown. He told them to save me. The Ferryman plunged her hand into the endless abyss.
She pulled me up. She brought me back. Nothing is free. A token for her troubles. I have none. I owe him everything. I live in his manor. I write for him. I draw for him. For he is my savior. He is my angel. He is the devil himself. He is my friend.
"He" is changed to "she" when referring to the Ferryman.
This is because Lady Death did not exist when Zeal wrote the Necrobloxicon.
The Necrobloxicon and its cube are based off of items from the Roblox catalog. [6][7]
Despite this, Zeal has mentioned that he did not know of The Necrobloxicon hat's existance.[8]
The cube of the Necrobloxicon is rotated by you with your mind.[9]
The Necrobloxicon can be found in Regretevator as a item and it can only be bought on the floor "Sebastain's Wares", it has a unique mechanic which is a "NPC tracker" which means, when in use, it'll show you where a NPC is.
Its description before being bought says: "Those who are marked in it's pages, are visible from anywhere."
Its effect has a spawn symbol on it and its description says: "Necrobloxicon's Vision" "Those marked in its book will be revealed to you."
The Necrobloxicon can cycle through a different set of colors when used by an admin, which are based on the Smiling Critters.