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Perithesene, also known in-game as Cocktail 'Perithesene', is an uncommon consumable item type found in Pressure.

Description & Usage

Perithesene is a red syringe that can be used to heal players. When used, the player will stab themselves with it, which will heal any HP lost in an instant.


Perithesenes may rarely be found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite, as well from Sebastian's Shop for 300 Research research. If the player has the "Extra Careful" achievement, Perithesene can be purchased from the Pre-Round Shop for 100 Kroner Kroner. Perithesenes can also be obtained by trading with Deep Sea Bunnies.


  • Perithesenes can only be used once before they are consumed.
  • A maximum of 1 Perithesene can be held at once.
  • Perithesene can be used while in water, unlike the Medkit. This makes it a valuable healing item while underwater.



  • Perithesene is part of the collaboration with Decaying Winter, along with Redeemer.[1]
    • Perithesene's instant health boost and its appearance are taken from the stimulant of the same name in Decaying Winter.[2]
