Pressure Wiki

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Revision as of 03:34, 13 September 2024 by Mooncloud (talk | contribs) (Featured change)
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The logo of the Pressure Wiki.

Welcome to the official Pressure Wiki!

489 articles • 22,772 total edits • 1,881 files uploaded

In Pressure, you play as a prisoner selected by Urbanshade to be sent on an expedition into the Hadal Blacksite, an underwater monster research facility. You are tasked with retrieving the main power source of the facility while avoiding any threats you may encounter.

Pressure is a ROBLOX game developed by Urbanshade: Hadal Division. Pressure is inspired by LSPLASH's "DOORS", David Szymansk's "Iron Lung", Arsi Patala, aka Hakita’s "ULTRAKILL" and Joonas Rikkonen's "SCP: Containment Breach".
An office in the Hadal Blacksite.




The p.AI.nter, also known as Z-779, is a sentient AI and a threat in Pressure, acting as one of the many enemies the player will encounter as they venture through the Hadal Blacksite.

Having been coded by ███████ ███████████████, it was captured by Urbanshade employees due to the surprisingly high quality of the art it creates. After these employees were demoted to LR-P for the unapproved murder of the AI's creator, it has been forced to mine Roblux for Urbanshade, as they had no other use for it.


Update Logs
29th August, 2024
  • A small update was released, which added new features to several monsters, walkie talkies for voice chat, and new jumpsuits. Play now!
  • Development of Pressure will officially be going on break in order to give the developers time to rest before beginning development on the next big content update.
Last Updated: 13th of September, 2024
Wiki News
August 2024
  • Say hello to the wiki's new home page! Designed in collaboration with the community, we are always open to feedback! Join our discord server below to contribute!
  • We have officially started translation of the wiki into different languages! If you'd be interested in contributing, join our discord server!
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The logo of Urbanshade's Hadal Division.

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4,605 accounts created • 114 active users