Project:Affiliated Wikis

From Pressure Wiki

This page serves as a list of all independent Roblox wikis unofficially affiliated with the Pressure Wiki project. If you manage a Roblox wiki project and would like to affiliate with us, please contact one of our Wiki Administrators.

Affiliated Wikis

utg://wiki logo
utg://wiki is a wiki dedicated to untitled tag game, a 2021 parkour game based off tag and other gamemodes, with advanced mechanics and features.
Combat Initiation Wiki logo
Combat Initiation Wiki, an unofficial community-run wiki for the Roblox game Combat Initiation, a fast-paced arena brickbattle PvE game, developed by Windforce Interactive.

The above wikis are not officially endorsed by or affiliated with Pressure or its developers, nor managed by the Pressure Wiki staff. We are not responsible for the above wikis.