Puddles of Void-Mass: Difference between revisions

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Puddles of Void-Mass are masses of sentient black slime-like substance that take various forms. Void Puddles are commonly seen with glowing purple features such as hooks and eyes, but can also been seen rarely with red features.
== Mechanics ==
Puddles of Void-Mass are found randomly in [[Hiding Spots|lockers]]. If a player enters a locker inhabited by a Void-Mass Puddle, they will be trapped inside and slowly take damage until they are saved by another player or die. In singleplayer runs, being captured by a Puddle of Void-Mass will instantly kill the player.
=== Notes ===
* When a player is saving someone from a locker containing a Void-Mass Puddle, it will show them struggling to pull the trapped player out. After a few seconds of struggling, they will heave them out over their head and collapse on the floor, then get up.