From Pressure Wiki
SPR-INT is a type of consumable item found in Pressure.
Description & Usage
SPR-INT is a green syringe that can be used to speed up players. When used, the player will stab themselves with it, which will increase player's movement speed for 15 seconds and deal 2 HP worth of damage upon the player.
SPR-INT's can be found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite, as well as in Sebastian's Shop for 100 research. if the player has the "I’m Outta Here!" achievement, SPR-INT's can be purchased through the Pre-Round Shop for 25 Kroner. SPR-INT's can also be obtained by trading with Deep Sea Bunnies.
- SPR-INT's can only be used once before they are consumed.
- A maximum of 5 SPR-INT's can be held at once.
- Player will not take damage from using SPR-INT's if their HP is below 3, meaning you cannot die from it.
A SPR-INT syringe, as seen in-game
A player holding a SPR-INT syringe