Server Farms
From Pressure Wiki
The Server Farms is a room type in Pressure, distinguished by its dim lighting and the densely packed servers occupying most of the space.
The Server Farms begin with the player traveling down a flight of stairs, with a chance that it might not appear as they descend to the next door. These rooms are presumed to host the Blacksite's servers that allow for the mining of Roblux Crypto Currency.
Throughout the Server Farms, the player is unable to stumble across many side rooms. However, there are plenty of hiding spots, ranging from vents to locker rooms.
As the player reaches near the end of the Server Farms, the player once again ascents the flight of stairs.
Unique Features
Good People doors are more likely to spawn in the Server Farms.
The entrance to the Server Farms.
Ditto, from a different angle.
Floor vents used for a hiding place.
The Server Farms from a ground view.
The old entrance and exit to the Server Rooms, prior to the Friendly Fire update.