Disables p.AI.nter's voice lines during any encounters with it, including turret rooms and Good People.
Enable Freecam
Allows the player to press Shift-P to enable a freecam. This setting is only available on PC and on solo runs. While enabled, badge and Kroner earnings are disabled.
If on, the Redeemer pistol will not show up in players' hands and no gunshot sounds will play during its minigame.
PNG Jumpscares
Toggles jumpscares for Node Monsters. Other jumpscares, like squiddles, are unaffected.
Reduced Motion
Disables screen shake for Node Monsters, Trenchbleeders and Turrets.
Deaf Mode
Makes multiple changes that allow partially and fully deaf players to play the game. (See below for specifics)
Reduced Epilepsy
Replaces flickering lights with a slow fade-in and out. Additionally Eyefestation's screen effects are disabled and its jumpscare is now still.
Deaf Mode
Deaf Mode adds multiple changes that allow partially or fully deaf players to play the game. While deaf mode is active, multiple new visuals are active that are meant to replace audio cues.
Load video
Local File might collect personal data.
The border that appears when The Angler approaches.
Whenever a player walks, an icon will appear on every player's screen. This icon will also appear when a wall dweller approaches. Players are expected to differentiate between a player's footsteps and a wall dweller's.
As Froger approaches, a yellow/brown border appears around the players screen. This border remains slightly visible before Froger rebounds a second time and disappears.