All translations

From Pressure Wiki

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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<languages/>
|attack=Rushes down hallways multiple times, instantly killing any players in her line of sight
|location=[[The Hadal Blacksite|Hadal Blacksite]]
|damage=Instant Death
|release_date=July 7th, 2024
<!-- The monster infobox can house up to 6 sound files, just copy the sound1 parameter and change the number. -->
<!-- Keep SEO descriptions under 100 characters. -->
|description=Froger is a reoccuring monster in Pressure, rushing down hallways several times and killing players.
<!-- Please keep infoboxes and templates spaced out for ease of editing. -->
 h French (fr){{Monster
|attack=Se précipite dans les couloirs à plusieurs reprises, tuant instantanément tous les joueurs dans son champ de vision.
|location=[[The Hadal Blacksite|Hadal Blacksite]]
|damage=Mort Instantanée
|release_date=7 Juillet 2024
<!-- The monster infobox can house up to 6 sound files, just copy the sound1 parameter and change the number. -->
<!-- Keep SEO descriptions under 100 characters. -->
|description=Froger is a reoccuring monster in Pressure, rushing down hallways several times and killing players.
<!-- Please keep infoboxes and templates spaced out for ease of editing. -->
 h Polish (pl)<languages/>
|attack=Przechodzi przez korytarz wiele razy, natychmiast zabijając każdego gracza w jej zasięgu wzroku
|location=[[The Hadal Blacksite|Hadal Blacksite]]
|damage=Natychmiastowa śmierć
|release_date=Lipiec 7, 2024
<!-- The monster infobox can house up to 6 sound files, just copy the sound1 parameter and change the number. -->
<!-- Keep SEO descriptions under 100 characters. -->
|description=Froger jest powtarzającym się potworem w Pressure, pędząc przez korytarz wiele razy i zabijając graczy.
<!-- Please keep infoboxes and templates spaced out for ease of editing. -->