The DiVine

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De DiVine zijn mensachtige monsters die volledig uit groene lianen bestaan. Ze zitten meestal vastgeworteld op de grasvelden in de Oxygen Gardens en nemen verschillende luie houdingen aan. Als het kamertype de Wintertuinen is, krijgen ze een sneeuwtextuur. Verder is er niets veranderd aan de mechanica.


De DiVine zijn volgzaam totdat een speler op een van de grasvelden in de Zuurstoftuinen stapt. Dit lokt een klein aantal DiVine in de buurt uit, waardoor ze ontwortelen en de dader achtervolgen of aanvallen.


  • De DiVine hebben geen uniek mechanisme in De Ridge, omdat ze een van de weinige monsters zijn die daar niet kunnen spawnen.
  • Er kan maar één vijandige DiVine in een kamer zijn.

If a player manages to step off the grass in time, they will stop running and remain in an idle position until a player steps on the grass again.

After reaching the perpetrator, they will push them to the ground and pulverise them for several seconds, dealing 75 damage to the player. After the attack, they will walk back to where they spawned and stay idle for a few seconds so the player can get off the grass before it attacks again.


  • The DiVine do not have a unique mechanic in The Ridge, as they are one of the few monsters that cannot spawn there.
  • There can only be one Hostile DiVine in a room.
    • In rooms that require the player to cross the grass like Turret rooms, they will not spawn.
      • If a room is under too much rubble, they will not spawn aswell.
  • Hostile DiVine wear a pink flower on the top-right of their head.
    • Hostile Snow DiVine found in the Winter Gardens have a white flower instead.
  • Hostile DiVine can spawn in Candlebrute rooms.
  • Hostile DiVine will not spawn in Catwalk rooms.
  • Stepping on the lumpy snow in the Winter Gardens will not cause Snow DiVine to uproot.
    • This is only if the snow is outside the plot.
  • If a Hostile DiVine spawn is close to where a player was attacked, then it will be significantly slower instead of idle for a period of time.


De ideale strategie is om gewoon niet op de grasvelden te lopen die overal in de Oxygen Gardens liggen en op het pad te blijven om ze niet te provoceren. Dit kan moeilijker zijn als er Eyefestation of Turret's aanwezig zijn.


Main Article: Documents/The DiVine


For more information, see: The Lore of Pressure

In 1979, a logging company working in the Amazon Forest reported humanoid "vine people", and Urbanshade employees were sent to find the anomaly. They discovered an estimated 320 instances of The Divine, which were then taken and transported to The Hadal Blacksite. The forest was left to burn, with a fake news cover-up being sent to the public.

Upon realizing the useful, oxygen-producing capabilites of The DiVine, they were moved to the Oxygen Gardens. The DiVine assisted in keeping oxygen levels stabilized in The Hadal Blacksite, allowing Employees to work there without requiring any additional assistance or equipment. It was essential that they were maintained and kept safe as if any were to wither and die, The Hadal Blacksite would lose a vital source of oxygen, meaning that extra equipment would be needed to breathe again.

The DiVine were noted to show hostility to personnel they didn't recognise. If somebody who isn't a designated gardener was to enter the Oxygen Gardens and step on the grass plot, a DiVine instance would wake up and attack the perpetrator.





Main Article: Documents/The DiVine


Section Work Required
This section of The DiVine/nl has been identified as needing work.
Given Reason: Missing Images
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This category shows any image related to The DiVine that are found in Oxygen Gardens.

This category shows any image related to The DiVine that are found in Winter Gardens.

This category shows any image related to The DiVine that doesn't fit in any other category.


  • Het was eerder de bedoeling dat de DiVine zich zouden gedragen als de Weeping Angels uit Doctor Who. [1]
    • Dit gedrag werd afgeschaft ten gunste van het visueel ontwortelen en achtervolgen van de speler. [2]

