From Pressure Wiki
Quote | Reference |
"About Time." | - |
"A Chill Runs Down Your Spine." | - |
"A Hand Brushes Against Your Cheek." | - |
"A Heart. A Hole. A Parasite. A Love. A Loss. By Candlelight." | This is a reference to a lyric in the song, 'In The Dark' by Battlejuice and Lebrock |
"Again And Again And Again, We March To Our Doom." | - |
"Alright Ramblers, Let's Get Rambling." | This is a reference to a Payday 2 line. |
Anticipation is a game mechanic in Pressure, occurring at the start of a player's run.
Anticipation begins when the player starts a run by opening the very first door. During this phase, one of four soundtracks will play continuously until the player encounters a node monster, typically an Angler. When a node monster spawns, a quote will appear above your items, prompting the player to hide. After the node monster passes through, the soundtrack ceases.
- During a player's first run, the anticipation soundtrack and the anticipation quote won't occur at the first node monster spawn.
- Anticipation can end as early as room 6, and, in some extremely rare cases, as late as room 24 [1] [2]
- Only Puddles of Void-Mass, Squiddles, the node monsters, Eyefestation and Good People can spawn during anticipation.
- Timed node spawns can't occur during anticipation.
When the first monster of the run spawns, one of the following quotes will be displayed in addition to the music stopping and being replaced by ambiance:
- "Alright Ramblers, Let's Get Rambling."
- "Alright, Were Going Loud."
- This is a reference to Payday 2.
- "And As The First Seal Was Opened, As If It Were The Noise of Thunder, One Of The Four Beasts Said 'Come And See."
- This is a reference to Revelation 6:1 from the Bible.
- "And Hell Had Followed With Him."
- This is a reference to part of Revelation 6:8 from the Bible.
- "And I Saw. Behold, It Was A Pale Horse. And His Name Sat Upon Him, Was 'Death'."
- This is a reference to the first part of Revelation 6:8 from the Bible.
- "And In Those Days, Humans Begged For Death. And They Didn't Find It. And They Wished To Die, And For Immortality To Leave Them."
- This is likely a reference to Revelation 9:6 from the Bible.
- "Are You Ready?"
- "Be Ready For Anything."
- This is a reference to Pinkie's survival achievement.
- "Be The Light In Their Darkness."
- This is most likely a reference to a song in ULTRAKILL 'He Is The Light In My Darkness'.
- "Blah Blah Blah, You Know The Drill."
- "Bleed Out In My Arms."
- "Brace Yourself."
- "Bruh. I Don't Even Understand Whats Happening, I Think A Doors Entity Might Be Attacking Us."
- This is a reference to one of LankyBox's videos.
- "Calm Before The Hurricane."
- This is a reference to Payday 2.
- "Calm Before The Storm."
- "Dance For Me, Puppet."
- "Dark, Darker, Yet Darker."
- This is a reference to a quote by Gaster from the game, Undertale.
- "dis mah grandpa"
- This is a reference to a screenshot of Whales, which was also on his X banner.
- "Do Not Fear Death. Fear Failure."
- This quote was also used by HQ.
- "Do Your Worst!"
- "(Don't) Fear The Reaper."
- This quote was also used by HQ.
- This is a reference to a Cyberpunk 2077 quest.
- This is likely also a reference to the song, '(Don't Fear) The Reaper' by Blue Öyster Cult.
- "Don't Get Left Behind."
- This quote likely comes from Mr. Lopee.
- "Drowning In An Ocean Of Corpses."
- This is a reference to one of the death achievements.
- This is also a reference to one of the translated lines in the Necrobloxicon.
- "Drown With Me. For All Of Eternity."
- "End Of The Hall."
- This is likely a reference to one of Little Nightmares II soundtracks, 'End of the Hall' by Tobias Lilja
- "Fear Death. Fear The Dark Abyss."
- This is a reference to Davy Jones' introduction from the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
- "Forgive Them, They Are Only Animals."
- "Get Ready."
- "Give Em Hell!"
- This is a reference to a quote from Payday 2.
- This quote is also used for Sebastian's Outfit in the suit menu.
- "Give Em No Quarter!"
- "Go Fish."
- This is a reference to The Angler from the game, Inscryption.
- "Good Luck."
- "Have Fun!"
- "Hear Our Cannons Sing. Hear Our Cannons Scream."
- "Hear! the Sirens Song Calls For Us."
- This is a reference to Hear! The Siren Song Call Of Death from the game, ULTRAKILL.
- "Here It Comes."
- "Here We Go."
- "hey guys is me altiwytre"
- This is a quote placed by the main animator of Pressure, AltiWyre.
- "Hiding will only prolong the inevitable. Why bother?"
- "Hold Your Breath, Here They Come."
- "Hollow Eyes Watch As You Push The Rock Up The Mountain."
- This is a reference to a legend in Greek Mythology, Sisyphus.
- "I Die. I live. I Die Again."
- "I Don't Mind Drowning, If It Means I Get To Drown With You."
- "I Feel Like Something Bad Has Happened. It Hasn't Reached Me, But it's On Its Way."
- This is a reference to one of Alice Palmer's dialogue from the mockumentary psychological horror movie, Lake Mungo (2008).
- "I Feel The Weight Of My Sins Crawling On My Back."
- This is possibly a reference to one of Sans' flavor text from Undertale.
- "I had a really cool/creepy line planned but i forgot what it was. sorry. :("
- "I Kill You. You Kill Me."
- This could possibly be a reference to a quote from Titanfall 2
- "I Shouldn't Have Signed Up. I Shouldn't Have Signed Up."
- I Will Cast Abominable Filth Upon You, Make You Vile, And Make You A Spectacle."
- This is a reference to Nahum 3:6 (NKJV) from the Bible.
- "I Will Never Feel The Warmth Of The Sun Again."
- "Im scared. Most people are. I don't want it to happen. Nobody does. Will it be like falling asleep? No."
- "In The Shadow Of The Trenchbleeders."
- This is likely a reference to one of the achievements' former name, 'Lucy's Shadow', now called 'Search Party'.
- "It Only Goes Down Hill From Here."
- "It's Time For Yet Another Brutal Encore."
- This may be a reference to the game, In Stars and Time.
- "Just Breathe, With Your Blackened Lungs."
- This is also a reference to a lyric in 'In The Dark' by Battlejuice and Lebrock.
- "Keep An Eye Out."
- "Leave The Dead Where They Fall."
- This is a reference to one of the death achievements.
- "Let The Flood Wash Away Your Sins."
- This is a reference to the song, 'Let The Flood Wash Away Your Sins' by Dan Romer from the game Far Cry 5.
- "Let's Bleed Out On The Black Grassy Fields Of Nowhere Together. "
- "Let's Get To It."
- "Light Up The Night."
- This is a reference to an ULTRAKILL level of the same name.
- "Marked For Death."
- This is likely a reference to ULTRAKILL's 7-3 Challenge.
- "Monkeys On Typewriters. Eventually, You'll Write Shakespeare."
- This is a reference to the infinite monkey theorem.
- "My Eye Aches Once More."
- This is likely a reference to Magnificus from the game Inscryption.
- "Mom? I'm Scared..."
- "Night Falls."
- This is a reference to a character from a Roblox game, 'Before the Dawn' by the Aurek Team, now known as 'Survive the Night'
- "No Fear Of Death. You'll Fight To Your Very Last Breath."
- "No Human Deserves To Be Subject To This Hell."
- "No Matter How This Ends, You Earn Your Freedom Either Way."
- "No One Is Coming To Save You."
- This quote is possibly a reference to The Mandela Catalogue
- "No Rest For The Wicked. No Rest For The Damned."
- "Not Quite Ragnarok, But Close Enough."
- "Nothing To Lose. Nothing To Gamble."
- "oh no bro"
- This is one of Muscle Man's catchphrases from Regular Show.
- "Once Again."
- "One Way Ticket To A Closed Casket Funeral, Coming Your Way."
- This is a reference for one of the soundtracks that play during Anticipation.
- "Out Of The Frying Pan."
- This is a reference to part of the phrase, "Out of the frying pan into the fire".
- "Please, Get Us Through This."
- "Pure Orchestrated Hate, Coming Your Way."
- This is a reference to the 6th layer in ULTRAKILL.
- "Ready?"
- "ruh roh"
- This is a reference to one of Scooby-Doo's iconic lines.
- "Sammen Draver Vi Til Valhal."
- This translates to "Together We Set Off To Valhalla" in Danish.
- "Sebastian Awaits!"
- "Skittle squad, incoming!"
- This is a reference to one of Sage's (sageothy on Discord) drawings.
- "Something Breathes Down Your Neck."
- "Something Is Coming."
- "Something Is Coming... You Can Feel It, Can't You?"
- This is a reference to a quote from "The Father" from far cry 5.
- "Something Wicked This Way Comes."
- This is a reference to an iconic quote from 0-S of ULTRAKILL.
- "Spill Your Innards. Show The World The Beauty Of Your Gore."
- This is likely a reference to a book from ULTRAKILL in 7-1.
- "Stay Vigilant."
- "Take Us Back To The Submarine, Please."
- "The Blacksite Breathes. The Blacksite Hungers."
- "The Dead Do Not Stay Quiet Down Here."
- "The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End"
- This is a reference to the video game, 'The Stanley Parable'.
- "The Floor Underneath Your Feet Begins To Rumble."
- "The Floors Are Their Canvas. Your Blood Is Their Paint."
- This is a reference to one of the death achievements.
- This is almost a reference to the meme, "This is my brush:" "This is my paint:" "This is my canvas:".
- This could also be a reference to the book in ULTRAKILL's level 7-1: Garden Of Forking Paths.
- "The Fog Is Thicker Than The Sea."
- This is a reference to the game, Far Cry 5.
- "The God Who Made You Is Cruel."
- "The Hair On Your Neck Rises."
- "The Horrors Persist. As Do You, Keep Pushing."
- "The Mainlands Behind Us. Many Of Us Will Not Return."
- This is a reference to the song, 'Magellan's Expedition' by Alestorm.
- "The Mind Goes Blank. The Eyes See Clear."
- This is most likely a reference to the songs, 'The Mind Goes Blank, The Eyes See Clear' by 'Duv'
- Duv has stated that he finds this incredibly funny.
- "The Moon Can Only Withstand So Much Hatred."
- "The Moon Is Bleeding."
- "The Moon Loves The Beauty Of The Organ."
- "The Moon Watches Over Us All."
- "The Nightmare Repeats Itself Every Time."
- This is a reference to a lyric from the song, 'I Got No Time' by The Living Tombstone.
- "The StaleBreaker Will Crush You."
- "The Strong Don't Cry."
- "The Surface Of The Ocean Lay Dormant."
- "The Trees Are Blowing. There Is No Wind."
- This is a reference to the game, Lost in Vivo.
- "The Walls Bleed For You."
- "The Wind Is Howling. The Ocean Is Calm."
- "The Winds From Fjords Are Screaming."
- This is likely a reference to the Roblox song, 'Winds of Fjords'.
- "There's No Room Left In Hell For Either Of Us."
- "These Are Truly... Our Darkest Hours..."
- This may be a reference to a (currently indev) Roblox game named Darkest Hours, which Zeal has contributed to.
- "These Violent Delights, Have Beautiful Ends."
- This is a reference to a quote from Act 2, Scene 6, Line 9 of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
- "They Will Have Their Execution, You Will Earn Your Freedom."
- This is a reference to the video game Iron Lung, where the note in the back of the SM-13 submarine reads, "They will get their execution. I will get my freedom."'
- "They'll Come Loud And They'll Come Fast."
- This is a reference to one of the lyrics of 'Keep Your Rifle by Your Side' by The Hope Country Choir from the game, Far Cry 5.
- "They'll Look High And They'll Look Low, They'll Look Everywhere You Go. And When They Find You, You Better Hide."
- This is also a reference to one of the lyrics of 'Keep Your Rifle by Your Side' by The Hope Country Choir from Far Cry 5.
- This is a reference to old Roblox where games had this kind of title.
- "This isn't a war, but the breaking of Seals. The undoing of life itself."
- This is a reference to one of William J. Blazkowicz's quotes from the game, Wolfenstein: The New Order.
- "Time To Face Judgement, Sinner."
- "Time To Face The Music."
- "To Live And To Die On The Ridge Of Hell."
- "Took Its Sweet Time, Let's Go."
- "Uhhh... It's Right Behind Me Isn't It..."
- "Un Buen Capitán Se Hunde Con Su Barco."
- This translates to 'A Good Captain Sinks With His Ship' in Spanish.
- "Watch Your Six."
- This is likely a reference to one of Five Nights At Freddy's: Sister Location's soundtracks, 'Watch Your 6' by Leon Riskin.
- This is likely also a reference to the military term which means "Watch your back".
- "Water Starts To Fill Your Lungs."
- "We Both Die Tonight. One Of Us, A Few More Times Than The Other."
- "We both know how this is gonna end. Why even bother."
- "We Don't See With Our Bloodshot Eyes. We Don't Hear In The Sea Of Lies."
- This is a reference to a lyric in 'In The Dark' by Battlejuice and Lebrock.
- "Weep For Forgiveness To An Audience Of Deaf Ears."
- "What are you? I don't know. What are you made out of? Bad people."
- This is a dialogue between the player and Good People.
- This could be a reference to the Airforce One Angel from the web series "Monument Mythos"
- "What Did I Do To Deserve This?"
- "Whats That Noise?"
- "Why Did I Sign Up?"
- "YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- This may be a reference to a meme voiced by Gianni Matragrano, who also voices Sebastian.
- "You Are Not The First. You Will Not Be The Last."
- "You Are WAY In Over Your Head."
- "You Cry For Help. Something Heard You. Something Is Coming."
- "You Feel Bugs Crawling Beneath Your Skin."
- "You Feel The Weight Of Your Sins Crawling On Your Back."
- This could be a reference to one of Sans' flavor text from Undertale.
- "You Feel The Wind In Your Face. There Is No Wind Down Here."
- This is a reference to the game, Lost in Vivo.
- "You Have Brains In Your Head. You Have Feet In Your Shoes. You Can Steer Yourself Any Direction You Choose."
- This is a direct reference from Dr. Seuss' book, 'Oh, the Places You'll Go!'.
- "You Hear Someone Yell Your Name In The Distance."
- "You Hear That Too, Right?"
- "You Just Can't Keep Your Coffin Shut, Can You?"
- This quote is used by Sebastian Solace
- "You Were Either In Or Out, And You're Stuck With What You Chose."
- "You Will Be Shown No Mercy, As Mercy Would Only Prolong Your Suffering."
- "You Will Be Struck With Hatred So Great, That Even Metal Would Bleed."
- This is a reference to Gabriel The Archangel from ULTRAKILL.
- "Your Luck Runs Out."
- This could be a reference to a voice line from Heavy in Team Fortress 2.
- "You're A Footprint On The Beach, And The Tide Is Coming In."
- "You're Out Of Your Depth."
- This is a reference to a secret "hard mode" in 7-3 of ULTRAKILL.
- "You've Died Before. You Can Do It Again."
- "Your Blood Turns Cold."
- "Your Coffin Isn't Soundproof. We Can Hear You Cry."
- "Your Corpse Will Float To The Surface Eventually."
- "Your End Will Be Swift, And The Seas Will Run Red With Your Blood."
- ↑ "So I BEAT Roblox Pressure & IT WAS SO CLUTCH.." 8-Bit Ryan has his first encounter at room 6 around 2:46.
- ↑ "The FINAL LEVEL of ROBLOX PRESSURE is UNBELIEVABLE.." 8-Bit Ryan has his first encounter at room 24 around 5:40.