
From Pressure Wiki

The Navi-AI, also known as the Navi-Path AI or Navi-Path, is an artificial intelligence system at Hadal Blacksite.


The Navi-AI automates processes primarily related to navigation in Hadal Blacksite, such as controlling doors or trenchbleeders.


The Navi-AI can mark the shortest path to an location, displaying a green number on a door that increments until the location is reached. Doors that are not numbered are locked by the Navi-AI, preventing the player from opening it.

The p.AI.nter (Z-779)

For more information, see: Documents/The_p.AI.nter

Z-779 can override the Navi-AI, modifying a door's numbers or locking them.

They can modify doors occupied by Z-96 to be numbered, potentially tricking players into opening it and being attacked by Z-96.

During The Gauntlet, Z-779 locks the door to the next room, preventing players from progressing until The Gauntlet ends.


For more information, see: Documents/External Repellent System

The Navi-AI can individually control each Trenchbleeder, enabling them to perform tasks autonomously while only requiring regular maintenance every two weeks. In the event that the Navi-AI is down for maintenance, a skeleton crew of twelve people maintain operations until the AI is back online.

External Repellent System

For more information, see: Documents/External Repellent System

The Navi-AI controls the repellent cannons to automatically target threats within range. If the Navi-AI goes offline, the cannons can be operated manually by a human from a control tower built into each cannon.