
From Pressure Wiki


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  • 577 Edits
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i like roblox, thats all ur gonna get. oh yea also like pressure alot. Trying my best not to do something stupid

Game Document & Lore Stuff

DMR-500, known as "Doom Bringer" or "Doom" is a robot found in ███████, Serving as a defense system to execute any not deemed as personnel.

In ██████ ███, ██████, the DMR-500 was taken to the ███████ in order to be used in the facility. After finding out the melee capabilities of DMR-500, it was then tasked to "Exterminate anything" that isn't counted as personnel. Aswell as if anyone were to aggravate DMR-500, the DMR-500 would attack them after enough impatience or repeated times entering its shop. Oddly it seems that DMR-500 will attack anyone who ███████ █████, but this usually ends with less of a beating and more of a pet peeve.

Addendum: After the Lockdown was activated at ███████ DMR-500 has seen to become more aggresive to anything, as it has started to forget what is "trusted". If DMR-500 is seen as of now it is advised to clarify who you are, or make it clear what you are.

J-037 codenamed "Jobanjos" is a sentient humanoid figure, who resides in the facilities J Sector. When making a relaxation room for employees who work high up in the building it seemingly manifested inside one. It will offer items in exchange for money, Much like DMR-500's or H-311's shop. It also is very quiet, and will very rarely reply unless something happens. If J-037 is spotted outside of the Facility personnel are REQUIRED to take it back in. Do not bring H-311 and J-037 into close contact.

H-311 codenamed "The Fallen," shortened to "Fallen" is a humanoid manifestation made by the H-1, located in Sector E it will sell items to any bystander or personnel. If you're running low try to buy something, as items it finds are of good quality and are not as used. As of now H-311 is still being studied for more information, hence why very little info is written here.

E-459 codenamed "Char" is a hybrid between a reptile and the element of fire, first recorded in the volcanic explosion of ███████, the E-459 instance was found in a nearby forest and taken by ███████ personnel. If E-459 is found out of the cell it will lay flames to the floor, making the previous rooms and next few be a safety hazard. Although its flames are not that dangerous, it's best to avoid them to lower the risk of fire damage. If contact is made with E-459 aswell it will result in a much bigger flame burn.

Addendum: After the lockdown E-459 was found outside of its sector. If the power is out and E-459 is incoming use its flames to light up the area.


Hello there is nothing required here u can go thanks.

things ive been doing/done:

  • making The DiVine page better. big shot.
  • other wiki stuff

pls use the discord if u want to talk i am not taking msgs here

i got this fatty twice in 2 consecutive runs


idk what to put here...

E-459 is peak

Custom candlebrute model & render i made once
Custom divine intervention badge
Custom divine badge, its the older one i made.

stuff i made

tower defense game (dont play it pls) a few other stuff i forgot


i like pressure for graphics.

i like grace for speed.

i kinda like doors.

if you call a-200 "A-120" you need to read the rooms wiki. biggest pet peeve fr

a-90 should never be in og rooms.

i hate chainsmoker

badges (any after search party is non-win)

GENERAL: usually a badge for winning

CHALLENGE: a badge either for winning a challenge or doing something that takes some skill

GENERIC: general but for normal non-win badges

SIDE EXPEDITION: endless or raveyard (the link is attached to text)

RANDOM: usually RNG related, or a challenge that requires rng.

BOSS: searchlights.

OTHER: collab games.

Image Name Comment Badge Type
Death Badges achievement hunting any% Generic
No Refunds~ my friend got me this one cuz i never used revives prior to my first win Generic
POP! Goes The Weasel ok hq, thanks for a badge i probably dont need but have anyways Generic
Death Any% this is why i have 30 deaths Random, Challenge

Image Name Comment Badge Type
SEBASTIAN GOT YOU i grinded regretevator for that in october Other
Zero tbh goes for decaying winter too it looks like tds umbra (much more in pressure) Other, Random

Image Name Comment Badge Type
:3 free heal, free badge Challenge
Walking Database gambling room moment Challenge
This MIGHT Be Bunny? goomelight (it was 100% gummy and it was after i got a-60 to) Random, Challenge
*splat* make this room have a 100% at like room 90 Random, Generic
Artifice got the chest room Random (excluding rave), Challenge
Ahh, Those Were The Bad Turrets, Weren't They? guns to throw at you Generic
Who Cares About OSHA? *beep* *boom* *blood spill* Generic
I Think MatPat Will Enjoy Dissecting This 👀 hi apl- *BANG* *SPLAT* Challenge

Image Name Comment Badge Type
Node Badges chainsmoker was the first thing i died to fun fact. Generic
WAR we love minigames Generic
D-Rank no minigames :C got on accident Challenge
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You freebie Generic
+ENRAGED freebie Challenge
Loser stinky Generic
huh wuh this is what got me once cuz i didnt know they existed Generic
Will 2 Live pretty sure this was a month after i got huh wuh Generic
A Shot In The Dark stood to close to a squiddle, that was the first monster i got and there was 2 all in room 7 Generic
Too Close To The Sun complete accident Challenge
They’re In The Walls i hate you Generic
Not On MY Watch! 2 player freebie, got with one of my cousins. Generic
We Outta Wall Dwellers yum Challenge
Ouch Ouchie STOOOOPPPP!!!! badgehunting.jpeg Generic
Eyes In The Skies searchlight my oomf, best theme Boss
Seb Badges sebby Generic & Challenge
Mysterious Benefactor mid Generic
LOOK AT ME angry fish Random, Challenge
You Deserve This i died to the throw. Challenge
AI Slop paint Random, Generic
Lonely No Longer HEY! Random
Treasure Map To Infinite Bloxy Cola i beg give brute a render it looks weird with candle having and not brute (this is a joke idrc) Random, Generic
DiVine Intervention the page i edit way to much. Random, Generic
Parale Parali we love endless bug Generic
wawa bnuy Generic
wops no bnuy Random
Hi Again hi Random, Challenge

Image Name Comment Badge Type
Endless Rooms # died cuz of something i cant remember. also same run Side Expedition, Challenge
Death Incarnate im putting it here even if i dont have it cuz i got it in freecam so shush. Random

congrats for scrolling down all the way ... wall dweller stinks

Skin Contest Renders

Prison Prime
Panopticon Prime