
From Pressure Wiki



Eyefestation, also known as Z-317, is common threat in Pressure, acting as an enemy to the player as they venture through the Hadal Blacksite.

Once a Bull shark, he was experimented on by Urbanshade as a part of the B.U.P.W.M program, on which its major purpose was to allow an individual to kill someone telepathically through eye contact by beaming highly radioactive waves through a victims optic nerve, causing their brain to melt inside of their head.



The p.AI.nter, also known as Z-779, is sentient AI and an threat in Pressure, acting as an enemy to the player as they venture through the Hadal Blacksite.

Originally discovered in 2023 after a 4 man group of Urbanshade employees who were "AI prompters" as a pastime, were getting jealous that a particular online user's AI prompts were looking exponentially better than theirs. With said user being unable to provide them with the AI program used for his "prompts", said employees decided to track down the user in person.