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Deep Sea Bunnies are a subspecies of the more well known "Jorunna Parva", resembling cat-sized sea bunnies which now serve as Urbanshade's personnel breakroom pets.
Having been originally found at the bottom of the Let-Vand zone during the initial expedition and excavation for the Hadal Blacksite; The Deep Sea Bunnies were abducted by Urbanshade in 2016 and given lungs by researchers, allowing them to live on land.
Z-283-Chainsmoker, know more briefly as just "Chainsmoker" resembles a heavily malformed green blobfish with a bulbous green nose, black eye sockets, and green smoke from his mouth.
Chainsmoker, together with the other "variants" of Z-283, were discovered roaming the Hadal Blacksite after the recent Lockdown started, whilst there is much speculation as to where they came to be, Chainsmoker appears to have connections with "Paranoia's box", due to the green mist flooding from his mouth, which causes whoever inhales it to temporarily acquire a multitude of phobias.
Eyefestation, also known as Z-317, is a black malformed bull shark with numerous bright green glowing eyes of various sizes across the top of its snout and along its body.
Once a normal Bull shark, he was experimented on by Urbanshade as a part of the B.U.P.W.M program, on which its major purpose was to allow an individual to kill someone telepathically through eye contact by beaming highly radioactive waves through a victims optic nerve, causing their brain to melt inside of their head.
Z-565 Codename: "Skelepede", was a skeleton centipede with a large skull for its head, and an elongated spine with ribcage legs.
Discovered in 2024 during the annual ████████ Graveyard's "Raveyard" event in Eastern Scotland, after an EXR-P expedition party sent to shut it down was forced to track through the graveyard's catacombs. After being brought back to base for a debrief, they mentioned a skeleton centipede chasing them through the rain-flooded crypt.
Z-563 - Codename: "The Raveyard", is the annual anomalous October skeleton rave party, taking place at the ████████ Graveyard.
Hosted by "DJ Skeletunes", Z-563 manifests itself within the center of the ████████ Graveyard, located in Eastern Scotland.
Z-563-1 and his band of party-going skeletons, set up a stage and then vandalise the Graveyard whilst throwing a party.
Z-17 - Codename: "The DiVine", is a species of humanoid "people" mainly made out of vines and other plant-based materials.
Discovered in 1979 in the Amazon Forest after a small branch of a logging company had reported that they had found vines in the shape of people. Urbanshade operatives were sent to check the phenomena, and found an estimated 320 Z-17 instances.
The p.AI.nter, also known as Z-779, is a sentient AI and a threat in Pressure, acting as one of the many enemies the player will encounter as they venture through the Hadal Blacksite.
Having been coded by ███████ ███████████████, it was captured by Urbanshade employees due to the surprisingly high quality of the art it creates. After these employees were demoted to LR-P for the unapproved murder of the AI's creator, it has been forced to mine Roblux for Urbanshade, as they had no other use for it.
Sebastian Solace, also known as Z-13, Handy Man, or The Saboteur is a supporting character in Pressure, acting as an ally to the player as they venture through the Hadal Blacksite.
After being falsely charged with the murder of 9 people and sentenced to execution, Urbanshade took him in and imprisoned him as an LR-P rank prisoner in the Hadal Blacksite, releasing a falsified execution report to the government and declaring him dead.
The "Navigation AI" (refered to as NAVI), is the supercomputer in charge of logistical operations of the Hadal Blacksite.
Constructed in 1979, NAVI was programmed to navigate personnel through the ever-expanding corridors of the Hadal Blacksite. Using now-removed wall computers, personnel would input the destination they wanted, NAVI would output the destination they wanted, and would then guide them utilizing the numbers displayed on the NAVI-Path adjacent to the doors.