Documents/Sebastian Solace
This document details the story of Sebastian Solace and his past. This document can be purchased from Sebastian's Shop for 1000 Research.
The Saboteur

Z-13 - New codename: "The Saboteur", previous codename "Handy Man", real name "Sebastian Solace", is to be KILLED ON SIGHT without hesitation. Z-13 is incredibly dangerous; caution is required if encountered. Despite his size, Z-13 is incredibly nimble, allowing him to quickly outmaneuver and flank operatives. It should also be noted that Z-13 is currently in possession of our experimental portable SCRAMBLER, meaning that any and all CCTV, radios, and other communications equipment will be rendered offline within a ██ by ██ stud radius of his presence. Operatives must conduct a communications check with HQ every 5 minutes to ensure they are not within range of the SCRAMBLER. If HQ cannot be reached, operatives should remain on high alert for a possible ambush whilst attempting to check in as often as possible.
After feigning the effects of anesthesia, Z-13 pretended to succumb and woke up unguarded during transport. He killed Elite Guardsman ███████, acquiring his high clearance keycard, and proceeded to release as many monsters as possible from their containment cells, causing a site-wide lockdown.
Before stealing and reconfiguring the experimental SCRAMBLER, CCTV captured Z-13 trading stolen items for research findings from EXR-P expedition party members. His exact motivations remain unknown, but encrypted radio broadcasts to Innovation Inc, BloxTop, Deluge Labs, and Pinewood suggest he is gathering confidential Urbanshade information to leverage a way out with a rival organization. Although uncertain if he continues to trade with incoming parties, it is highly probable.
Z-13 was brought in as a LR-P in 2013, after he was found guilty of 9 counts of murder and was sentenced to death by electric chair. He was quickly swooped up by Urbanshade, a fake execution report was published, and Z-13 was officially declared dead.
In early 2015, Z-13 was selected to be part of an experiment to give humans gills, using DNA strands from a blue whale, ███████, a sea snake, a great white shark, a mutated anglerfish, a silver spinyfin, and a mantis shrimp. Whilst the experimentation was a success and Z-13 gained the ability to breathe underwater, the obvious visual and bodily side effects left much to be desired. These side effects were quickly ironed out and refined on future test subjects, and the gill procedure was quickly applied to all the Guardsmen working at the Blacksite. The initial periods following the experimentation are the optimal times to reverse physical side effects, but this was not deemed necessary for Z-13 due to his LR-P status. His monstrous appearance, characteristics, and abilities led to his classification as Z-13. After this experiment, seeing no further use for him in human testing, Z-13 was assigned to underwater equipment maintenance.
In late 2015, it was discovered that Z-13 had not killed the nine individuals he was accused of, and that an innocent man had been wrongfully sentenced to death. Despite this revelation, it was decided not to inform Z-13 or release him to the public, as he was legally declared deceased. At this stage, reversing the mutations was no longer feasible, as the opportunity to do that had long passed. However, his rank was changed to MR-P, providing him with better living conditions and access to recreational programs available to MR-P's.
Under no circumstances can Z-13 be allowed to leave the Blacksite alive. If any operative is to encounter Z-13, they must abandon their previous objectives and, as Mr. Shade himself stated, "Shred their mags until their trigger-finger bleeds."
- This document cannot be obtained if the player is killed by Sebastian.
- The rival companies that are listed in the document are all references to different fictional Roblox companies.
- Innovation Inc. is a popular sci-fi Roblox building group founded in 2010.
- BloxTop is an anomaly-containing organization created by one of Zeal's friends, J-Bug.
- Deluge Labs is a research organization depicted in the "Deluge Mountain" map for the Roblox game Before the Dawn: Redux. The organization was initially unnamed, but would later be named "Deluge Enterprise Labs" in Zeal's recreation of the map, "Deluge Memories."
- Pinewood Builders is another popular sci-fi Roblox group founded in 2008.