Documents/The Let-Vand Zone: Difference between revisions

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This document details the discovery of the [[Let-Vand Zone]] and its anomalous properties. This document can be found after [[The Airlocks]].
== Document ==
=== The Let-Vand Zone ===
[[File:Placeholder.png|thumb|Let-Vand Zone document. Click to enlarge image|right]]
The Let-Vand zone is the heart and center of the Hadal Blacksite. Discovered in 1961 after the "████████████" B-class cargo ship sunk during a storm to the West of Iceland in the Norwegian Sea, recovery teams discovered a previously unknown abyssal trench, measuring at a depth of 76400 studs. At 67320 studs depth, a phenomenon taking place where the water pressure suddenly shifts from the typical oceanic floor crushing depth to that of a swimming pool. Anything below the 67320 stud depth is referred to as "The Let-Vand zone", and anything above will simply be referred to as the ocean. The "Veil of the Let-Vand zone" is the line where the pressure shifts. To pass through said veil, all of the Urbanshade submarines are outfitted with jet engines, allowing them to boost up to 2300000 studs-per-hour, and easily pierce the veil. The veil essentially acts as the Blacksites inorganic blockade, preventing any living organism from entering or exiting. Attempting to go through the veil without proper equipment would result in immediate implosion from the sheer pressure shift.