Environmental Hazards

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Environmental Hazards are core game mechanics in Pressure, acting as small risks while exploring the Hadal Blacksite.


Due to the recent containment breach at the Hadal Blacksite, there are many environmental hazards that players have to avoid.


Electricity is the most common hazard in Pressure. While traversing the Blacksite, players may encounter a broken fuse box. As long as the player does not get close to the fuse box, they will not be harmed. However, players will often see electricity conducted through water, forcing them to either take an alternate path or solve a Pipe Puzzle in order to shut the power off or lower the water. Broken fuse boxes and puddles of electrified water will deal 15 damage and bounce the player back, while deeper pools of electrified water will deal 5 damage every second.

Pits and Lava

Pits and lava pools are another common hazard. Due to the damage sustained during the lockdown, many rooms will have gaping holes in the floor. If the player falls in, they will immediately die. In some room types, a giant pool of lava underneath the path is present instead of pits.


Players may encounter broken pipes on their journey. These pipes will spew out steam every few seconds, and players must move through the steam at the right time. If hit with steam, a player will be dealt 15 damage and be bounced back. At the end of the room, there is typically an interactable valve to shut off the steam, allowing teammates to cross with ease.


There may be times when the player must go through a ventilation shaft in order to reach the next room. Some of these vents may include a giant rotating fan. Players must proceed through the fan blades at the right time, or they will take 10 damage and be bounced back.


Fire is one of the rarest hazards. Sometimes, players may see one of the doors on fire. This door is never the path forward. Additionally, some rooms in the Oxygen Gardens can be on fire. If ran into, the fire deals 15 damage and bounces them back. The most effective strategy against fire is to avoid it.

Hijacked Speakers

In The Ridge, there is a 1/3 chance of each speaker being hijacked by Z-779. The speaker will play music, which will cause the Prisoner Diving Gear to detonate if you do not leave the death zone within 10 seconds. There will be an audible beeping, as well as a message alerting you of the beeping. Lockers will not prevent you from being killed by the speakers. The area that is considered the death zone is smaller than the area you can hear the music from. Because of the plentiful amount of lockers in The Ridge, you will easily survive if you use the lockers outside of said death zone.


Turrets are a part of the Hadal Blacksite's Internal Defense System, which was hijacked by Z-779 during the lockdown. Turrets will lock onto any player or Wall Dweller that it catches within its line of sight, then rapidly fire at them. If line of sight is broken, it will continue to fire at the player's position before stopping. Turrets can easily be avoided by being patient and hiding behind cover. Most turrets (excluding those found in The Ridge) can also be deactivated by pulling a power switch which is indicated with a green light.

There is a chance you will get a turret room with the turrets emitting a bright purple light from them. These special turrets are equipped with void-tipped bullets (If you want to know more about these bullets, read more about them here) instead of regular bullets, which makes it so that if they hit you, you will be poisoned for a short period of time (with your health turning purple also, like the pre-4.5 Party Special). This poison will deal 1 damage every 3 seconds.

Turrets that emit a red light, and have explosive bullets have been seen in runs with admins, but these are admin exclusive.[1]


Parasites are a part of the sealife in The Let-Vand Zone, and like to stay in dark parts of the ocean. If a player strays too far away from the Blacksite or any green light beacons, Parasites will start to swarm them, dealing 1 damage consecutively. To get rid of them, the player must return to the vicinity of the Blacksite or any nearby green light beacons and/or shake off the Parasites off them.

Anti-Personnel Doorstopper

Anti-Personnel Doorstoppers (APD) are a part of the Hadal Blacksite's Infiltration Division, serving as Urbanshade issue tripwire. APD will spawn on the bottom right corner of a door and emit a small laser parallel to the floor. If the laser is blocked, it will detonate in a small radus, sending shrapnel out to damage anyone nearby.

APD can easily be disarmed by crouching next to the door and interacting with it. This can be risky in multiplayer, however, because if a player is crouching next to the door, the tripwire is not easily visible to another player. This may cause them to walk through the door unaware, triggering the explosion and launching players across the room, this is unlikely however because the disarming interaction is now instant.

APD can be very lethal in Oxygen Gardens, as any players who get launched by the explosion into the grass are extremely likely to encounter an aggressive DiVine instance, which will kill them if they are at 75 health or below.

Anti-Personnel Landmine

Anti-Personnel Landmines (APL) are official Urbanshade issue landmines, and tend to spawn in rooms with little space to move. If a player moves to close to an APL it will detonate and send any nearby players flying. To deal with them, the player can hear the loud beeping sound accompanied by the LED light from the APL that flashes every 4 to 6 seconds. Once you are within the immediate blast range of an APL, you can disarm them by interacting with them for around 4 seconds; however, they are only temporarily disarmed, and will reactive after a short while.

APL can be very lethal in Oxygen Gardens, as any players who get launched by the explosion into the grass are extremely likely to encounter an aggressive DiVine instance, which will kill them if they are at 75 health or below.
