Puddles of Void-Mass

From Pressure Wiki

Z-V06, codenamed "Puddles of Void-Mass" is a hostile monster in Pressure.


Puddles of Void-Mass are masses of sentient black slime-like substance that take various forms. The most commonly seen form of these Puddles of Void-Mass has several black tentacles with purple hooks.

Occasionally, Red variants also appear.


Puddles of Void-Mass are found randomly in lockers. If a player enters a locker inhabited by a Puddle of Void-Mass, they will be trapped inside and slowly take damage until they are saved by another player or die. In single player games, being captured by a Puddle of Void-Mass will instantly kill the player.


  • When a player is saving someone from a locker containing Z-V06, it will show them struggling to pull the trapped player out. After a few seconds of struggling, they will heave them out over their head and collapse on the floor, then get up.
    • This rescue animation can result in the saved player being thrown into hazards such as pits and fire.
  • A locker inhabited by a Puddle of Void-Mass will have several visual and audio cues.
    • These include glowing purple eyes seen through the locker’s window, a small dark puddle around the foot of the locker, and an subtle ambient sound when nearby.

The Ridge

For more information, see: The Ridge

The behavior of Puddles of Void-Mass while the player is in The Ridge is currently unknown.


The easiest way to know if a locker has a Puddle of Void-Mass in it is to look at the window of the locker for the purple glowing eyes. If you play in multiplayer make sure to stay close to your group to avoid being caught in a locker with nobody to save you.



