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Revives are a game mechanic in Pressure, allowing players to come back into the game after death.


Revives become available once a player has died. Upon death, the player begins spectating an alive teammate. If no teammates are alive or it is a solo run, the player will see a black screen.

The option to revive is available at the top of the screen. Reviving costs Ferryman's Quarter Tokens, though a Robux alternative is also available for purchase. After reviving, the player is brought to The Banlands where a cutscene with Lady Death pulling you out of the lake of corpses occurs. There you can get Lady Death's document beside her. The player can continue the run starting from the last opened room by going through the red portal beside Lady Death or by waiting a few seconds.

There are limitations to when a player can revive themselves. After dying, the player has 30 seconds to use a revive before the option becomes unavailable, however the timer will not go down if the player hasn't closed their documents. Players also cannot revive themselves more than 2 times, after The Ridge, or if a threat is currently present. When reviving a second time, Lady Death becomes agitated and will assault the player until they are left with 3 Health. A box with a green flare similar to the one left by Sebastian when buying items from the Dead-Drop Shop will be sitting by the portal. It contains a Perithesene and will heal the player back to full health. Leaving the Perithesene will leave the player with 3 Health until they find a healing item.

If you die after reviving and haven't opened any doors or picked up any loose assets, a message will appears on your death and your Tokens Ferryman's Quarter will be refunded. However, your Tokens Ferryman's Quarter won't be refunded if you died to Environmental Hazards or Underwater Hazards.


After The Ferryman's death, his wife, Lady Death (also known as Death), took his place, leaving her job as Grim Reaper to a currently unknown entity known as The Hallowed. It is said that The Guardian Angel was the one who slayed The Ferryman, although it is likely that this is another lie told by N.O.S.T. personnel, as The Guardian Angel is not a hostile being. After the defeat of The Guardian Angel, Lady Death refused to do her duties of bringing souls to the cities of the Banlands, instead opting to stand on a pier overlooking the lake of souls, which had overflowed due to her negligence. The Devil, unhappy with no new friends being brought to the cities, commissioned Urbanshade to build a machine that would act as the new Ferryman.

Ferryman Tokens are used by Urbanshade to pay Lady Death to have someone brought back from the dead. Although these Tokens are cheap to obtain, getting many of them all at once becomes quite expensive. Because of this, if an employee dies too many times, the money needed for the Tokens are taken straight from their paycheck. It is also highly recommended to use EXR-P in events with high casualty predictions. After Urbanshade gained access to Lady Death, they were able to resurrect their employees,[1] as long as the person they wish to revive wasn't in Heaven. To combat this, Urbanshade would add a pentagram to their logo, which would send anyone who wore the symbol to the Banlands after death, where they would be brought back by Lady Death.[2] To make up for the requirement of being branded a sinner when joining Urbanshade, retiring employees are given a cup of angel blood, named "Pureblood", obliterating their sins and allowing them to enter Heaven.[3] As of now, Lady Death has been unwilling to talk, so no interviews have been conducted with her. It is unknown why she takes these Tokens, as she tosses them into the ocean of corpses when given one, but it is believed that she does this in memory of her husband.

Upon the player's arrival to the Blacksite, Mr. Lopee has been noted to take a particular liking to them. Sebastian intends to stall the player, as well as any previous and upcoming prisoners attempting to retrieve the Crystal from The Ridge, gathering as much data as he can to negotiate his own rescue operation from the Hadal Blacksite via a rival company against Urbanshade. Upon every new attempt by the player to reach the Crystal, Mr. Lopee is indirectly responsible for resurrecting the player by tasking Sebastian to pay Lady Death a Token Ferryman's Quarter[4], giving the player an indefinite number of attempts to do so. Thus, the player is forcibly stuck in a looping cycle of death and revival until they successfully retrieve the Crystal and escape The Ridge and, ultimately, the Hadal Blacksite.

It is apparent that Mr. Lopee holds some power over Sebastian, notably from Sebastian's disgruntled attitude upon being forced to retrieve items for them when purchased from the Dead-Drop Shop Shops. Sebastian is also forced to hide Mr. Lopee's Urbanshade document when the player dies from Mr. Lopee, claiming that they are unable to show it to the player.

Despite Tokens Ferryman's Quarter being available to purchase through the Shop from Sebastian using Kroner Kroner, Tokens Ferryman's Quarter are redeemed via Mr. Lopee in exchange for the player's early revival.


Main Article: Documents/Lady Death
For more information, see: Documents/Guardian Angel of The Banlands


