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Currency is a core mechanic in Pressure, used to buy items in Shops.


Currency is available in three types of unit,   Research,   Kroner and   Tokens.


  Research is a type of data used to exchange for items in Sebastian's Shop. It is obtainable by looting around the Hadal Blacksite. Research can appear in varrying types and values.

Types of Research

  • TBD: 5   Research


  Kroner is a type of coin used to buy items in the Pre Round Shop. It is obtainable by progressing through rooms in the Hadal Blacksite


  Tokens are a type of coin used to revive upon death. It is currently unknown on how to obtain them.



  • Before release, Kroner was previously just called Credits.
    • Players would also get 400 Credits at the start of every run.
  • Kroner shares the name with the Norwegian Kroner, which is where the game takes place.
  • Researches are the loose assets told by Urbanshade that players have to collect.