Gummy Flashlight

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Revision as of 08:43, 4 June 2024 by Mooncloud (talk | contribs) (Rewording)

The Gummy Flashlight is a type of rare light source in Pressure.

Description & Usage

Gummy flashlights can be toggled on and off by the player. When in use, the gummy flashlight will emit a weak green light in front of the player. While a gummy flashlight is on it will slowly lose charge until it runs out. Gummy flashlights cannot be recharged with batteries. Instead, they must manually be recharged by the player.


Gummy Flashlights can be extremely rarely found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite. Gummy Flashlights can also be purchased through the Pre-Round Shop for 200 Kroner Kroner and from Sebastian's Shop for N/A, Research research.


  • While the Gummylight is modeled similarly to the normal Flashlight, it has the ability to recharge without the use of a battery, similarly to the Hand-Cranked Flashlight.
  • The player can enrage Squiddles with the Gummylight.
  • When shook, the Gummylight emits a loud rattling sound, potentially drowning out sounds from monsters.
