
From Pressure Wiki

Health is a core mechanic in Pressure, determining how much damage players can survive before dying.


Player health is displayed at the bottom left side of the screen, and all players start with 100 HP. Players are able to regain lost HP with items like the Medkit, Perithesene, Party Special, or Dweller Chunk.

As the player loses HP, their health meter becomes increasingly redder in colour, and a skull starts to appear. The player's diving gear mask also appears visibly cracked while they are underwater. They are unable to repair the mask, regardless of how much health they get back.

Death Screen

For more information, see: Death

When a player's health reaches 0, they die, and a death screen appears. The player is presented before Sebastian, who shows a document regarding the monster they died to. Upon closing the document, Sebastian will give the player a piece of advice as to how to avoid what they died to. After this the player will see a result document for their expedition, which details how much Kroner Kroner was received in that run, what room the player got to, and a comment from HQ explaining how the player died. From the result screen, the player also has the option to revive, return to the Lobby, restart at the beginning of the expedition (if no player is alive) or become a Ghost. In a multiplayer run, the player is also given the option to spectate the living players, however in solo runs, it is just a black background.


For more information, see: Revives

Upon dying, the player is presented with the option to revive themselves. If the player has no Ferryman's Quarter Tokens, they will be prompted to revive for 30 Robux. After using a revive, the player is brought to The Banlands where a cutscene with Lady Death pulling you out of the lake of corpses occurs. The player from then on can continue the run with full health, (or 3 HP after the second revive) but without previously held research, items, or batteries. The player will start from the last opened room by going through the red portal beside Lady Death or by waiting a few seconds. Players can return to their death location to recover their previously held items, but their research and batteries will be lost.


For more information, see: Party Special

The player, by default, cannot regenerate their health when they take damage. If the player consumes either a Party Special or a Dweller Chunk, however, their health bar will turn yellow-orange and they will begin to regenerate 1 HP every few seconds for the rest of their run. Dying will cause the effect to disappear, even if you choose to revive.

