Mr. Lopee

From Pressure Wiki
Revision as of 12:37, 29 May 2024 by F8ofthestars (talk | contribs) (→‎Appearance: added PRONOUNS)

Mr. Lopee is a hostile monster in Pressure, acting as a safeguard against being left behind.


Mr. Lopee takes the appearance of a black and green figure holding a cane. He is only visible from close up, being blurred the further he is from the player. His jumpscare shows a smiling green and black figure with a large head whilst a glitchy noise plays.


If a player is too far behind the group in a multiplayer run, Mr. Lopee will spawn slowly advancing towards the player before jumpscaring them and dealing random amounts of damage, teleporting them back to their group. If the player somehow manages to fall in the void or room generation fails, Mr. Lopee will also spawn and jumpscare them, teleporting them back to their group/the room they were in. However, if none of the above are true, he rarely attacks.

Mr. Lopee's eyes are sometimes seen in the cutscene where Sebastian gives the player documents.


It's best if you don't stray too far away from your group.


Mr. Lopee has no document, as Sebastian claims he isn’t allowed to show you his document, yet encourages he the player not to get left behind next time.



  • Mr. Lopee's appearance is a direct reference to the "INTERLOPER" ARG (Alternate Reality Game), a web-series by Anomidae on YouTube
  • Mr. Lopee doesn’t have a document because YourFriendZeal asked for a voice line of Sebastian Solace saying that he wasn’t allowed to show the player a document and wanted to use it.
  • Mr. Lopee is 60 years old and was born sometime in the 1960s.
    • Mr. Lopee is sexist towards women; reflective of the time period he was born in.
    • Mr. Lopee, being a classic boomer homophobe, doesn't believe in pronouns.
