The Educator

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The Educator is a hostile monster in Pressure.


The Educator resembles Baldi from Baldi’s Basics, but with a frown, a blue shirt and green pants. His jumpscare shows a silhouette of himself, with the background alternating between blue and red, whilst his jumpscare sound from the original game plays.


Once the Evil Button is pressed, The Educator will start speaking. Once finished, he will spawn and chase down the player. Every time he slaps his ruler, he will move some distance, also being able to pass through walls. The player can stun him using a Flash Beacon, stunning him for about 5 seconds, but also making him considerably faster for three ruler slaps.

If he manages to catch up to the player, they will instantly die. At a random door from 60-70, there will be a schoolhouse in which the player has to find 7 notebooks and do simple math equations. If they get a question wrong, The Educator will be much faster for 3 slaps. Once past the first schoolhouse, he will despawn.

The Educator is client-side; every player will have their own Educator chasing them and will not be able to see other players' Educators.

For more information, see: 2024 April Fools Event

In The Ridge, The Educator will respawn and chase you through it. At the end of The Ridge, there will be a second schoolhouse, this time with Angler occasionally spawning and needing to collect 10 notebooks instead of 7. Once all 10 notebooks have been collected, the giant door will open and The Educator will despawn. Once the player touches the blue pad, they'll get the badge will be teleported back to the lobby, and will unlock The Educator's document. (if they completed Lesser Evil Mode or True Evil Mode) and The Notebook (if they competed True Evil Mode)


  • If a player dies to The Educator, Sebastian Solace will say that he cannot show you his document, just like Mr. Lopee. The Educator stands beside Sebastian during the cutscene, aswell.
  • You can stun The Educator with a Flash Beacon, although this has a cooldown.
  • The Educator is able to phase through walls.


The Educator will sort of slow down after door 10, don't rush it and stress. If you need to stall him in the schoolhouse, run around the corners for a bit. Once you grab the crystal, run.




  • The Educator is based off of the titular antagonist Baldi from Baldi's Basic in Education and Learning.
  • The Educator is voiced by Hobosapien_
  • The "Evil Button" was supposed to be released on April 1st, 2024, however due to delays was released instead on April 17th, 2024.
  • Despite being an April Fools character, The Educator's presence is canon as he has a document.
