
From Pressure Wiki

The Keycard is a type of item in Pressure that can be found in the Hadal Blacksite.

Description & Usage

Keycards are used to open locked doors throughout the Blacksite.


Keycards can commonly be found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite.


  • Keycards generally come in blue, but there are two other types of keycards: A purple keycard and an orange keycard.
    • Purple keycards enable you to open locked doors within rooms, such as the double doors at the entrance and exit of the Heavy Containment room type.
    • Orange keycards work exactly the same as the default blue keycards, except they display no door number are exclusive to The Ridge.
  • Doors that require a keycard will display their navi-path in a light blue color.
  • Keycards will occasionally emit a wind chime sound if they are not found. This will happen after 35 seconds for blue and orange keycards, and 20 seconds for purple keycards.
    • They also emit a low buzzing sound if you're close enough, making it easier to track down without opening drawers or item lockers.
  • In larger locked rooms, there will be multiple keycard spawns.
    • It is possible for 2 or more keycards to be spawned in the same room. All keycards are functional and can be used to open a locked door.
  • Keycards will automatically be equipped in the player's hand once picked up.
  • Picking up a keycard will not remove it from its item spot, allowing other players to also take it.
  • Once a keycard is successfully used, it will disappear from all players' inventories.
