Hand-Cranked Flashlight

From Pressure Wiki

The Hand-Cranked Flashlight is a type of light source in Pressure that can be manually recharged by the player without the use of batteries.

Description & Usage

While in use, the Hand-Cranked Flashlight illuminates a cone-shaped area in front of the player, slowly draining charge until its empty. The Hand-Cranked Flashlight cannot be recharged with batteries. Instead, it regains energy from the crank on the side, which is used for a variable amount of time based on the remaining charge.


The Hand-Cranked Flashlight can be found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite, as well as Sebastian's Shop for 500 Research Research, or at the Pre-Round Shop for 125 Kroner Kroner if the player has the “Pardoned” Achievement. After the "Four Point Five" update, the Hand-Cranked Flashlight can be obtained by trading with Deep Sea Bunnies.


  • The Hand-Cranked Flashlight has a noticeably shorter battery life compared to other light sources.
    • This allows for a quick recharge time, encouraging burst use of the light.
  • Like other traditional light sources, the hand-cranked flashlight will anger Squiddles if the light is directed at them.
  • The Hand-Cranked Flashlight is named "WindupLight" in the Pre-Round Shop.
  • The Hand-Cranked Flashlight appears to also function as a radio, although this is purely cosmetic.
  • In previous game updates, holding the Hand-Cranked Flashlight would slow down the player if they were underwater. This bug was later patched.

