
From Pressure Wiki

The Flashlight is a type of light source in Pressure, being one of the most commonly found items.

Description & Usage

Flashlights can be toggled on and off by the player. When in use, the flashlight will illuminate a cone-shaped area in front of the player. While a flashlight is on, it will slowly lose charge until it runs out. Upon inserting a single battery, the flashlight will gain an additional 50% charge, and can be used for roughly 63 more seconds.


Flashlights can commonly be found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite. Flashlights can also be purchased through the Pre-Round Shop for 50 Kroner Kroner and from Sebastian's Shop for 150 Research research.


  • Flashlights are one of the most effective light sources in the game, being easily controllable with a large charge capacity, and being easy to obtain.
  • Flashlights are reusable and are not removed from the player's inventory after running out of charge, instead being rendered unusable. They can be recharged by using batteries that have been collected.
  • Similarly to most light sources, except for the Blacklight, light from a flashlight can anger Squiddles, causing them to attack.
  • The flashlight has a much wider cone of light when playing on graphics level 3 or lower, but has a slightly shorter range.
  • Unequipping the flashlight will turn it off faster than turning it off normally. This can be used to better counter Squiddles and to save battery.
  • Using the flashlight underwater used to slow the player down a small amount, but this was patched.
  • Unlike many items, the flashlight gets held at the player's hip level unless it is on, meaning players who have their flashlight off will not generally see the flashlight's model in first-person.
