From Pressure Wiki
The Splorglight is a type of exclusive light source in Pressure. As of now, it is an admin-only item.
Description & Usage
The Splorglight can be toggled on and off by the player. When in use, the Splorglight will emit a weak cyan light in front of the player. Much like the Blacklight, this light does not anger Squiddles. While a Splorglight is on it will quickly lose charge until it runs out.
The Splorglight cannot be recharged with batteries. Instead, they must manually be recharged by the player by repeatedly right clicking.
The Splorglight can no longer be unlocked through any normal means. However, in testing, the Splorglight was obtained through the Pre-Round Shop for 201 Kroner after completing the 2024 April Fools Event.
- The Splorglight is a near exact copy of the Gummy Flashlight with minor alterations, the only functional addition being that it does not anger Squiddles upon use.
- When shaken, the Splorglight emits a loud audible squashing noise, potentially drowning out sounds from monsters. This audio is the exact same one used when crushed by a Trenchbleeder.
The player safely shining a Splorglight on a Squiddle
The player holding a Splorglight that is turned off
A Splorglight dropped on the ground, with a pick-up prompt
The description of the Splorglight in the pre-round shop
The Splorglight in a player's inventory
The old icon representing the Splorglight in a player's inventory