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The Gummylight, also known as the Gummy Flashlight, is a rare light source type in Pressure.

Description & Usage

The Gummylight can be toggled on and off by the player. When in use, it emits a strong green light in front of the player, quickly losing charge until it runs out. Gummylights cannot be recharged using batteries. Instead, they must be recharged by repeatedly shaking the Gummylight, by right clicking.


Gummylights can very rarely be found in item spots inside of the Hadal Blacksite. They can also be purchased through the Pre-Round Shop for 200 Kroner Kroner if the player has the "Hi Again" achievement or from Sebastian's Shop for 300 Research research. After the "Four Point Five" update, the Gummylight can be obtained by trading with Deep Sea Bunnies.


  • While the Gummylight is visually similar to the normal Flashlight, it has the ability be recharged without the use of a battery, similarly to the Hand-Cranked Flashlight.
  • Unlike the Splorglight, the Gummylight angers Squiddles.
  • When shaken, the Gummylight emits a loud rattling sound, potentially drowning out monster sound cues.
  • Obtaining the Gummylight will award the achievement, 'This MIGHT Be Bunny?'. You could also acquire the badge by having a friend buy the Gummylight in the Dead-Drop Shop, then drop it for you.
  • The Gummylight takes exactly 13 clicks to charge from empty to full.
    • It also takes at least 3 clicks to be able to turn the Gummylight on due to how quickly its charge drains.


