There are currently 6 different shops in the game, those being the Currency Shop, the Pre-Round Shop, Sebastian's Shop, the Research Shop, the Cabin Room, and Club Spectrum.
Currency Shop
The currency shop.
The Currency Shop is accessible to every player at the Submarine Bay. The shop allows players to buy Kroner and Ferryman Tokens in exchange for Robux and Kroner respectively.
Items Available In Currency Shop
300 Kroner: 49 Robux
750 Kroner: 99 Robux
2500 Kroner: 325 Robux
5000 Kroner: 599 Robux
10000 Kroner: 1099 Robux
Ferryman Tokens
1 Ferryman Token: 200 Kroner
5 Ferryman Tokens: 900 Kroner
15 Ferryman Tokens: 2500 Kroner
Pre-Round Shop
The pre-round shop.
The Pre-Round Shop, also known as Dead-Drop Shop, appears at the start of a run, allowing players to buy up to 3 different items and 3 batteries in exchange for Kroner. The Pre-Round Shop becomes available after the player's first Death. Items purchased in this shop are given to the player at the landing zone in a dead-drop. Below are the items you automatically unlock:
Sebastian's Shop spawns between rooms 47 to 53 in a run. When players enter the room with the shop, it is usually blocked by a vent, which Sebastian Solace opens to let them in. The only exception to this is when his shop is underwater or in The Back Area room type. The shop allows players to purchase Items in exchange for Research. There are always only 5 different Items available for purchase, except for the Batteries, of which there are infinite. Sebastian's Shop does not spawn in the Endless Expedition.
Items Available In Sebastian's Shop
Some items have a random chance to be sold in the shop. Below are those items:
The Research Shop resides in the Gambling Room, which is a rare sub-room managed by Rachjumper. At the shop, players can use Research to buy a variety of Items that are extremely rare to get through regular gameplay.
Club Spectrum spawns at room 22 in a run, exclusively at The Raveyard and is managed by Rachjumper. The shop allows players to buy drinks in exchange for Trash to help them regenerate their health before continuing their run.
The Cabin Room is a room that can spawn by random chance when entering a new room. The room takes the shape of a lounge. There is a couch to the left with a skeleton sitting on it. Next to the skeleton is a fireplace and a table containing littered cans and a 500 Research Forbidden Box identical in design to The Necrobloxicon's cube. The cabin contains an upper floor and numerous side rooms, one of which contains another 500 Research Forbidden Box. There is a counter with a skeleton sitting behind it where the player can buy the Party Special for 1250 Research.
Find and drink a Party Special by either gambling for it in the Gambling Room for a 1% chance, buying it for 1000 Research in the Cabin Room, opening a "special chest" in the Artifice Chest Room, or buying it for 1250 Trash at Club Spectrum.
"At Club Spectrum, dance with some friendly skeletons. On PC, ask for H elp. On Console, move harder. On mobile, aim for the money."
Dance near the group of skeletons at Club Spectrum in The Raveyard. Dance by pressing "H" on PC, "L3" on Playstation, "LS" on Xbox, or tapping the Currency icon on mobile.
Joining the Urbanshade Group on Roblox will grant a 10% discount on any and all Dead-Drop Shop purchases.
The Splorglight was previously available for 201 Kroner in the Dead-Drop Shop after getting the Grade A Student badge, but this had since been removed, which made the Splorglight unobtainable.
However, ever since the Four Point Five update, the Splorglight can be now purchased at the Research Shop for 2500 Research and trading with Deep Sea Bunnies, making it obtainable again.
The Radio in Sebastian's Shop plays a Morse code message, which is "--. --- / .--. .-.. .- -.-- / -.. --- --- .-. ... / .-.. --- ... . .-.". Translating this into English will say "GO PLAY DOORS LOSER".