Ventilation Shafts

From Pressure Wiki

The Ventilation Shafts are a unique room type found in the Hadal Blacksite.


The Ventilation Shafts are a unique room type that requires the player to crouch and navigate through a vent, although layouts vary throughout the Blacksite. When visiting these rooms, players are met with one of the following:

  • A vent connecting to the next room.
  • A vent connecting to a room where large fan blades must be dodged to access the next vent, leading to the next room.
  • A gated room requiring the player to unlock it with a purple keycard, followed by a vent leading to the next door.
  • A large room with a huge fan blocking the hanging pathway to the next door.
  • A few room types can have a vent leading below the room, followed by another vent that leads to the next door.
  • A tiny room with three vents, usually with two of them broken. The vent or vents that aren't broken lead to the next door.
