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'''Achievements''' are badges that can be earnt in [[Pressure]] by completing certain requirements or reaching certain milestones.
|description= Achievements are badges in Pressure unlockable by certain requirements.
'''Achievements''' are badges that can be earned in [[Pressure]] by completing certain requirements or reaching certain milestones.
== Obtainable Achievements ==
These are achievements that are fully implemented in the game and are obtainable through their own methods.
{| class="wikitable"
! Image !! Name !! Description !! Requirements !! Artist
| [[File:PlaceholderEarly Birds Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Early Birds
| Quick badge just to see how many unique players we got pre-launch
| Join the game during one of the testing phases.
| YourFriendZeal
| [[File:PlaceholderGot The Worm Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Got The Worm
| During the testing period, make your way through The Ridge. People who get this badge will be able to unlock "The Necrobloxicon" once the game is out.
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] during one of the testing phases.
| YourFriendZeal
| [[File:PlaceholderExpendable Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Grade A Student
| During the final test, make your way through The Ridge, having pressed the TRUE EVIL BUTTON at the start. Unlocks the Notebook in the dead-drop shop. Drawn by @IT0x1cAurAI
| Press the Evil Button during The [[April Fools Event 2024]] and reach the end of [[The Ridge]].
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| Not Very Studious
| During the final test, make your way through The Ridge, having pressed the LESSER EVIL BUTTON at the start. People who get this badge will get a lesser reward on release. Drawn by @IT0x1cAurAI
| Press the Lesser Evil Button during The [[April Fools Event 2024]] and reach the end of [[The Ridge]].
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| Expendable
| Join the game for the first time.
| Join the game during on release.
| SearingCircuits
| [[File:PlaceholderDeath 1 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| You've Got Great Taste!
| Buy a new uniform.
| Purchase a new uniform in the shop.
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| Send In The Next Team
| We've got plenty in reserve. Die for the first time.
| Die ingame at least 1 time.
| Asa_ii000
| [[File:PlaceholderDeath 10 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Leave The Dead Where They Fall
| They're only dead weight. Die 10 times.
| Die ingame at least 10 times.
| verticoz
| [[File:PlaceholderDeath 25 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Dropping Like Flies
| Die 25 times.
| Die ingame at least 25 times.
| KittyKat752
| [[File:PlaceholderDeath 50 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Drowning In An Ocean Of Corpses
| Most of which are your own. Die 50 times.
| Die ingame at least 50 times.
| L1ly_C0
| [[File:PlaceholderDeath 100 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| The Floors Are My Canvas, My Blood Is The Paint
| Your Blood Is Their Paint. Die 100 times.
| Die ingame at least 100 times.
| AshmenSash
| [[File:PlaceholderRevive Badge.png|150x150px]]
| No Refunds~
| ReviveThanks for the firstmoney, time.idiot! DrawnRevive byfor @Sentientthe Sofafirst Cushiontime.
| Use a revive on death.
| SentientSofaCushion
| [[File:PlaceholderAngler Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Every Lung Has Its Iron
| Survive an encounter with The Angler. Drawn by @V1kov
| Encounter [[The Angler]] and survive it.
| V1kov
| [[File:PlaceholderPinkie Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Ready For Anything
| Survive an encounter with Pinkie. Drawn by @V1kov
| Encounter [[Pinkie]] and survive it.
| V1kov
| [[File:PlaceholderFroger Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Ocean Of Blood
| Swimming in the sea of dying stars. Survive an encounter with Froger. Drawn by @V1kov
| Encounter [[Froger]] and survive it.
| V1kov
| [[File:PlaceholderBlitz Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Oh
| Survive an encounter with Blitz. Drawn by @V1kov
| Encounter [[Blitz]] and survive it.
| V1kov
| [[File:PlaceholderChainsmoker Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
| Survive an encounter with the one who trails smoke. Drawn by @V1kov
| Encounter [[Chainsmoker]] and survive it.
| V1kov
| [[File:PlaceholderPandemonium Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Survive an encounter with Pandemonium Drawn by @Vorine.
| Encounter [[Pandemonium]] and survive it.
| Vorine
| [[File:PlaceholderPandemonium Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| D-Rank
| ESC + Restart. Survive an encounter with Pandemonium without being spotted. Drawn by @TheForgottenArrow
| Encounter [[Pandemonium]] and survive it without hiding in a locker
| TheForgottenArrow
| [[File:PlaceholderEyefest Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
| Survive an encounter with Eyefestation. Drawn by @TheForgottenArrow
| Encounter [[Eyefestation]] and survive it.
| TheForgottenArrow
| [[File:PlaceholderEyefest Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Enrage Eyefestation and survive the encounter. Hope you enjoy the rest of your run. Unlocks the Flash Beacon in the dead-drop shop. Drawn by @HeavyAshlyn
| Encounter [[Eyefestation]] and survive it after angering it with a [[Flash Beacon]].
| HeavyAshlyn
| [[File:PlaceholderGood Ppl Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Loser
| Ha ha. Meet the Good People. Drawn by @BLU3M1NTY
| Open a fake door and encounter the [[Good People]]
| [[File:PlaceholderGood Ppl Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Fool Me Once, Twice, Thrice, Fource And Fivce
| Ha ha*5. Open 5 seperate fake doors in 1 run. Drawn by @BLU3M1NTY
| Open 5 fake doors and encounter the [[Good People]] in a single run.
| [[File:PlaceholderVoidmass Badge.png|150x150px]]
| huh wuh
| A dark embrace. Get taken by the Void. Drawn by @KittyKat752
| Open a locker inhabited with the [[Puddles of Void-Mass]].
| KittyKat752
| [[File:PlaceholderVoidmass Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Will 2 Live
| Help a teammate out of the Void. Drawn by @KittyKat752
| Rescue a teammate out of a locker inhabited with the [[Puddles of Void-Mass]].
| KittyKat752
| [[File:PlaceholderVoidmass Badge 3.png|150x150px]]
| Smartest ROBLOX Players
| Die in the same locker as someone else. Drawn by @ispacesoul
| Die in a locker inhabited with the [[Puddles of Void-Mass]] after a teammate went inside.
| ispacesoul
| [[File:PlaceholderSquiddle Badge.png|150x150px]]
| A Shot In The Dark
| Get attacked by a Squiddle. Drawn by @ELDRITCHMACHINE
| Fully agitate a [[Squiddles|Squiddle]] by shining light at it or stand beside it for too long.
| [[File:PlaceholderSquiddle Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Too Close To The Sun
| Aggro a Squiddle above 90%, then look away. Drawn by @oano2017
| Agitate a [[Squiddles|Squiddle]] by shining light at it for about ? seconds before turning it off.
| oano2017
| [[File:PlaceholderWall Dwell Badge.png|150x150px]]
| They’re In The Walls
| Your footsteps are not your own. Scare off a Wall Dweller. Drawn by @Darkhe75
| Encounter thea [[Wall Dwellers|Wall Dweller]] and stare at it until it runs off.
| Darkhe75
| [[File:PlaceholderWall Dwell Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Not On MY Watch!
| Scare off a Wall Dweller who is currently targeting a teammate. Drawn by @BrazilianWanderer
| Stare at a [[Wall Dwellers|Wall Dweller]] on path to a teammate until it runs off.
| BrazilianWanderer
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| [[File:Wall Dwell Badge 3.png|150x150px]]
| We Outta Wall Dwellers
| Yummers. Eat the flesh of a fallen Wall Dweller. Drawn by @daimondlair
| Eat a dead [[Wall Dwellers|Wall Dweller]].
| daimondlair
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| [[File:Parasite Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Ouch Ouchie STOOOOPPPP!!!!
| Following basic instructions must be sooooo haaaard. Shake off a parasitic infestation. Drawn by @Asa_ii000
| Encounter the [[Documents/Underwater Hazards|Parasites]] and shake them off near light.
| Asa_ii000
| [[File:PlaceholderSearchlights Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Eyes In The Skies
| Survive the Searchlights Grand encounter.
| Encounter the [[Searchlights]] as a [[Grand Encounters|Grand Encounter]] and survive it.
| SearingCircuits
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| Panic! on the Dance Floor
| Find and activate the “Party Mode” button, and then successfully beat the encounter.
| [[File:PlaceholderSearchlight Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Lucy's Shadow
| Beat the Searchlights Ending encounter.
| Encounter the [[Searchlights]] at the end and survive it.
| SearingCircuits
| [[File:PlaceholderSebastian Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Uneasy Alliance
| The only reason you're playing this game. Meet The Saboteur in “person”. Unlocks the Lantern in the dead-drop shop. Drawn by @Cli0nidae_zZz
| Encounter [[Sebastian Solace]] in [[ShopShops|Sebastian's Shop]].
| SearingCircuits
| [[File:PlaceholderSebastian Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Just Good Business
| Buy The Saboteur’s entire stock. Drawn by @Cli0nidae_zZz
| Purchase every item in [[ShopShops|Sebastian's Shop]].
| SearingCircuits
| [[File:PlaceholderPDG Badge.png|150x150px]]
| *pop*
| Have HQ detonate your PDG. Drawn by @MakrTee
| Die from the [[Documents/Prisoner Diving Gear|Prisoner Diving Gear]] by trying to leave the [[Hadal Blacksite]] or [[Documents/The Let-Vand Zone|The Let-Vand Zone]].
| MakrTee
| [[File:PlaceholderPDG Badge 2.png|150x150px]]
| Letting Go Of POVERTY, Watch This!
| Have Z-779’s broadcast trigger your PDG. Drawn by Ms. Dead Money, @MakrTee
| Die from the [[Documents/Prisoner Diving Gear|Prisoner Diving Gear]] by music from the speaker.
| MakrTee
| [[File:PlaceholderLopee Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Mysterious Benefactor
| Meet Mr. Lopee. Drawn by @p0cus
| Encounter [[Mr. Lopee]] by being left behind or falling out of the map.
| p0cus
| [[File:PlaceholderMedkit Badge.png|150x150px]]
| :3
| Get a Medkit from a teammate and use it/Give a medkit to a teammate and have them use it. Unlocks the Medkit in the dead-drop shop. Drawn by @seffhonks
| Use a [[Medkit]] given by a teammate or have a teammate use a [[Medkit]] given by you.
| seffhonks
| [[File:PlaceholderData Worth Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Walking Database
| Hold $3000 worth of data at once. Drawn by @IT0x1cAurAI
| Collect at least 3000 {{Research}} researchResearch in a single run.
| IT0x1cAurAI
| [[File:PlaceholderRare Item Badge.png|150x150px]]
| This MIGHT Be Bunny?
| Find a rare item. Hi zerum! Drawn by @IT0x1cAurAI
| Get a [[Items|Rare Item]] by [[Looting|looting]].
| IT0x1cAurAI
| [[File:PlaceholderDeath Any Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Death Any%
| Die before the game has even begun.
| Get crushed by a Trenchbleeder. Drawn by @UncobbedCorn
| Die by the [[Puddles of Void-Mass]] before opening the first door.
| CitrinePixel
| [[File:PlaceholderTrenchbleeder Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Squashed Like The Bug You Are
| Get crushed by a Trenchbleeder.
| Meet the Good People. Drawn by @BLU3M1NTY
| Encounter the [[Documents/Trenchbleeder|Trenchbleeder]] and die from getting crushed by its foot.
| UncobbedCorn
| [[File:PlaceholderMulti Monster Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Hi Again
| Survive an encounter with The Multi Monster. Unlocks the Gummylight in the dead-drop shop. Drawn by @miguel0740
| Encounter [[The Multi-Monster]] and survive it.
| miguel0740
| [[File:PlaceholderArtifice Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Artifice
| WinDrink a Party Special! Drawn by @HeavyAshlyn. Character is "Nightfall" from "Before the Dawn" by Aurek Team.
| WinFind theand 1% chance of gettingdrink a [[Party Special in the [[Gambling Room]].
| HeavyAshlyn
| [[File:PlaceholderHadal Division Logo.png|150x150px]]
| Pardoned
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite and earn your freedom.
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] on release.
| SearingCircuits
| [[File:PlaceholderFull Health Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Extra Careful
| Loser
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite without taking any damage. Dying counts as damage. Drawn by @DaCoolLeaf
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] with full health without getting damaged by anything.
| DaCoolLeaf
| [[File:PlaceholderLonely Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Lonely
| Starting as a team of 4 or more, escape the Blacksite as the last man standing. Drawn by @Gasterlina
| Start a run with at least 4 people and reach the end of [[The Ridge]] as the last one alive.
| Gasterlina
| [[File:PlaceholderTeam 2 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Power Of Friendship
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 2 or more players, with everyone making it to the end. Drawn by @gemkiller420
| Start a run with at least 2 people and reach the end of [[The Ridge]] as a team.
| gemkiller420
| [[File:PlaceholderTeam 4 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Group Of Sweats
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 4 or more players, with everyone making it to the end. Drawn by @gemkiller420
| Start a run with at least 4 people and reach the end of [[The Ridge]] as a team.
| gemkiller420
| [[File:PlaceholderTeam 8 Badge.png|150x150px]]
| This Badge Sucks
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 8 or more players, with everyone making it to the end. Drawn by @gemkiller420
| Start a run with at least 8 people and reach the end of [[The Ridge]] as a team.
| gemkiller420
| [[File:PlaceholderNo Light Badge.png|150x150px]]
| We Die In The Dark
| Reach the end of The Ridge on a solo run, having never picked up a light source. Revives not allowed. Unlocks the Blacklight in the dead-drop shop. Drawn by @IT0x1cAurAI
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] without any light source in inventory.
| IT0x1cAurAI
| [[File:PlaceholderNo Hide Badge.png|150x150px]]
| I’m Outta Here!
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite in under X minutes. Drawn by @lango2253
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] under ? minutes.
| [[File:Placeholder.png|150x150px]]
| We Didn’t Playtest To Make Sure This Was Possible
| Reach the end of The Ridge on a solo run, having never hidden in a locker. Revives not allowed. Drawn by @lango2253
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] by yourself without hiding in a locker once.
| lango2253
== Unused Achievements ==
These are achievements that have yet to be implemented into the game.
{| class="wikitable"
! Image !! Name !! Description !! Requirements !! Artist
| [[File:PlaceholderGreat Taste Badge.png|150x150px]]
| You've Got Great Taste!
| You're just so dashing, darling. Buy a new uniform.
| Purchase a new uniform in the shop.
| TheForgottenArrow
| [[File:Grade A Student Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Grade A Student
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite in the Educator Mode.
| Start a round in Educator Mode and reach the end of [[The Ridge]].
| IT0x1cAurAI
| [[File:Not Very Studious Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Not Very Studious
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite in the Educator Mode having gotten all the notebooks incorrect. Unlocks the Notebook in the dead-drop shop.
| Start a round in Educator Mode and reach the end of [[The Ridge]], having all notebook questions answered incorrectly.
| IT0x1cAurAI
| [[File:Hadal Division Logo.png|150x150px]]
| Panic! on the Dance Floor
| Find and activate the “Party Mode” button, and then successfully beat the encounter.
| [[File:Speedrun Badge.png|150x150px]]
| I’m Outta Here!
| Escape the Hadal Blacksite in under X minutes.
| Reach the end of [[The Ridge]] under ? minutes.
| lango2253
| [[File:Bloodbath Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Bloodbath
| Start a game with 12 or more players, and be one of the last 4 alive. Drawn by @Boscom7919
| Start a run with at least 812 people and reach the end of [[The Ridge]] as a team of 4.
| Boscom7919
| [[File:PlaceholderDocuments Badge.png|150x150px]]
| I Think MatPat Will Enjoy Dissecting This 👀
| Find all the documents* and remove all of the removable black bars. (*Some documents are not needed for this badge) Drawn by @daimondlair
| Fill almost every [[Documents|Document]] with every known information.
| daimondlair
== Old Achievements ==
These are achievements that have changed obtainment methods.
{| class="wikitable"
! Image !! Name !! Description !! Requirements !! Artist
| [[File:Not Very Studious Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Grade A Student
| During the final test, make your way through The Ridge, having pressed the TRUE EVIL BUTTON at the start. Unlocks the Notebook in the dead-drop shop.
| Press the Evil Button during The [[April Fools Event 2024]] and reach the end of [[The Ridge]].
| IT0x1cAurAI
| [[File:Grade A Student Badge.png|150x150px]]
| Not Very Studious
| During the final test, make your way through The Ridge, having pressed the LESSER EVIL BUTTON at the start. People who get this badge will get a lesser reward on release.
| Press the Lesser Evil Button during The [[April Fools Event 2024]] and reach the end of [[The Ridge]].
| IT0x1cAurAI
[[Category:Game Mechanics]]
[[Category: List Pages]]

Latest revision as of 01:11, 17 July 2024

Achievements are badges that can be earned in Pressure by completing certain requirements or reaching certain milestones.

Obtainable Achievements

These are achievements that are fully implemented in the game and are obtainable through their own methods.

Image Name Description Requirements Artist
Early Birds Quick badge just to see how many unique players we got pre-launch Join the game during one of the testing phases. YourFriendZeal
Got The Worm During the testing period, make your way through The Ridge. People who get this badge will be able to unlock "The Necrobloxicon" once the game is out. Reach the end of The Ridge during one of the testing phases. YourFriendZeal
Expendable Join the game for the first time. Join the game during on release. SearingCircuits
Send In The Next Team We've got plenty in reserve. Die for the first time. Die ingame at least 1 time. Asa_ii000
Leave The Dead Where They Fall They're only dead weight. Die 10 times. Die ingame at least 10 times. verticoz
Dropping Like Flies Die 25 times. Die ingame at least 25 times. KittyKat752
Drowning In An Ocean Of Corpses Most of which are your own. Die 50 times. Die ingame at least 50 times. L1ly_C0
The Floors Are My Canvas, My Blood Is The Paint Your Blood Is Their Paint. Die 100 times. Die ingame at least 100 times. AshmenSash
No Refunds~ Thanks for the money, idiot! Revive for the first time. Use a revive on death. SentientSofaCushion
Every Lung Has Its Iron Survive an encounter with The Angler. Encounter The Angler and survive it. V1kov
Ready For Anything Survive an encounter with Pinkie. Encounter Pinkie and survive it. V1kov
Ocean Of Blood Swimming in the sea of dying stars. Survive an encounter with Froger. Encounter Froger and survive it. V1kov
Oh Survive an encounter with Blitz. Encounter Blitz and survive it. V1kov
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait Survive an encounter with the one who trails smoke. Encounter Chainsmoker and survive it. V1kov
WAR Survive an encounter with Pandemonium. Encounter Pandemonium and survive it. Vorine
D-Rank ESC + Restart. Survive an encounter with Pandemonium without being spotted. Encounter Pandemonium and survive it without hiding in a locker TheForgottenArrow
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You Survive an encounter with Eyefestation. Encounter Eyefestation and survive it. TheForgottenArrow
+ENRAGED Enrage Eyefestation and survive the encounter. Hope you enjoy the rest of your run. Unlocks the Flash Beacon in the dead-drop shop. Encounter Eyefestation and survive it after angering it with a Flash Beacon. HeavyAshlyn
Loser Ha ha. Meet the Good People. Open a fake door and encounter the Good People BLU3M1NTY
Fool Me Once, Twice, Thrice, Fource And Fivce Ha ha*5. Open 5 seperate fake doors in 1 run. Open 5 fake doors and encounter the Good People in a single run. BLU3M1NTY
huh wuh A dark embrace. Get taken by the Void. Open a locker inhabited with the Puddles of Void-Mass. KittyKat752
Will 2 Live Help a teammate out of the Void. Rescue a teammate out of a locker inhabited with the Puddles of Void-Mass. KittyKat752
Smartest ROBLOX Players Die in the same locker as someone else. Die in a locker inhabited with the Puddles of Void-Mass after a teammate went inside. ispacesoul
A Shot In The Dark Get attacked by a Squiddle. Fully agitate a Squiddle by shining light at it or stand beside it for too long. ELDRITCHMACHINE
Too Close To The Sun Aggro a Squiddle above 90%, then look away. Agitate a Squiddle by shining light at it for about ? seconds before turning it off. oano2017
They’re In The Walls Your footsteps are not your own. Scare off a Wall Dweller. Encounter a Wall Dweller and stare at it until it runs off. Darkhe75
Not On MY Watch! Scare off a Wall Dweller who is currently targeting a teammate. Stare at a Wall Dweller on path to a teammate until it runs off. BrazilianWanderer
We Outta Wall Dwellers Yummers. Eat the flesh of a fallen Wall Dweller. Eat a dead Wall Dweller. daimondlair
Ouch Ouchie STOOOOPPPP!!!! Following basic instructions must be sooooo haaaard. Shake off a parasitic infestation. Encounter the Parasites and shake them off near light. Asa_ii000
Eyes In The Skies Survive the Searchlights Grand encounter. Encounter the Searchlights as a Grand Encounter and survive it. SearingCircuits
Lucy's Shadow Beat the Searchlights Ending encounter. Encounter the Searchlights at the end and survive it. SearingCircuits
Uneasy Alliance The only reason you're playing this game. Meet The Saboteur in “person”. Unlocks the Lantern in the dead-drop shop. Encounter Sebastian Solace in Sebastian's Shop. SearingCircuits
Just Good Business Buy The Saboteur’s entire stock. Purchase every item in Sebastian's Shop. SearingCircuits
*pop* Have HQ detonate your PDG. Die from the Prisoner Diving Gear by trying to leave the Hadal Blacksite or The Let-Vand Zone. MakrTee
Letting Go Of POVERTY, Watch This! Have Z-779’s broadcast trigger your PDG. Die from the Prisoner Diving Gear by music from the speaker. MakrTee
Mysterious Benefactor Meet Mr. Lopee. Encounter Mr. Lopee by being left behind or falling out of the map. p0cus
:3 Get a Medkit from a teammate and use it/Give a medkit to a teammate and have them use it. Unlocks the Medkit in the dead-drop shop. Use a Medkit given by a teammate or have a teammate use a Medkit given by you. seffhonks
Walking Database Hold $3000 worth of data at once. Collect at least 3000 Research Research in a single run. IT0x1cAurAI
This MIGHT Be Bunny? Find a rare item. Hi zerum! Get a Rare Item by looting. IT0x1cAurAI
Death Any% Die before the game has even begun. Die by the Puddles of Void-Mass before opening the first door. CitrinePixel
Squashed Like The Bug You Are Get crushed by a Trenchbleeder. Encounter the Trenchbleeder and die from getting crushed by its foot. UncobbedCorn
Hi Again Survive an encounter with The Multi Monster. Unlocks the Gummylight in the dead-drop shop. Encounter The Multi-Monster and survive it. miguel0740
Artifice Drink a Party Special. Character is "Nightfall" from "Before the Dawn" by Aurek Team. Find and drink a Party Special. HeavyAshlyn
Pardoned Escape the Hadal Blacksite and earn your freedom. Reach the end of The Ridge on release. SearingCircuits
Extra Careful Escape the Hadal Blacksite without taking any damage. Dying counts as damage. Reach the end of The Ridge with full health without getting damaged by anything. DaCoolLeaf
Lonely Starting as a team of 4 or more, escape the Blacksite as the last man standing. Start a run with at least 4 people and reach the end of The Ridge as the last one alive. Gasterlina
Power Of Friendship Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 2 or more players, with everyone making it to the end. Start a run with at least 2 people and reach the end of The Ridge as a team. gemkiller420
Group Of Sweats Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 4 or more players, with everyone making it to the end. Start a run with at least 4 people and reach the end of The Ridge as a team. gemkiller420
This Badge Sucks Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 8 or more players, with everyone making it to the end. Start a run with at least 8 people and reach the end of The Ridge as a team. gemkiller420
We Die In The Dark Reach the end of The Ridge on a solo run, having never picked up a light source. Revives not allowed. Unlocks the Blacklight in the dead-drop shop. Reach the end of The Ridge without any light source in inventory. IT0x1cAurAI
We Didn’t Playtest To Make Sure This Was Possible Reach the end of The Ridge on a solo run, having never hidden in a locker. Revives not allowed. Reach the end of The Ridge by yourself without hiding in a locker once. lango2253

Unused Achievements

These are achievements that have yet to be implemented into the game.

Image Name Description Requirements Artist
You've Got Great Taste! You're just so dashing, darling. Buy a new uniform. Purchase a new uniform in the shop. TheForgottenArrow
Grade A Student Escape the Hadal Blacksite in the Educator Mode. Start a round in Educator Mode and reach the end of The Ridge. IT0x1cAurAI
Not Very Studious Escape the Hadal Blacksite in the Educator Mode having gotten all the notebooks incorrect. Unlocks the Notebook in the dead-drop shop. Start a round in Educator Mode and reach the end of The Ridge, having all notebook questions answered incorrectly. IT0x1cAurAI
Panic! on the Dance Floor Find and activate the “Party Mode” button, and then successfully beat the encounter. TBA TBA
I’m Outta Here! Escape the Hadal Blacksite in under X minutes. Reach the end of The Ridge under ? minutes. lango2253
Bloodbath Start a game with 12 or more players, and be one of the last 4 alive. Start a run with at least 12 people and reach the end of The Ridge as a team of 4. Boscom7919
I Think MatPat Will Enjoy Dissecting This 👀 Find all the documents* and remove all of the removable black bars. (*Some documents are not needed for this badge) Fill almost every Document with every known information. daimondlair

Old Achievements

These are achievements that have changed obtainment methods.

Image Name Description Requirements Artist
Grade A Student During the final test, make your way through The Ridge, having pressed the TRUE EVIL BUTTON at the start. Unlocks the Notebook in the dead-drop shop. Press the Evil Button during The April Fools Event 2024 and reach the end of The Ridge. IT0x1cAurAI
Not Very Studious During the final test, make your way through The Ridge, having pressed the LESSER EVIL BUTTON at the start. People who get this badge will get a lesser reward on release. Press the Lesser Evil Button during The April Fools Event 2024 and reach the end of The Ridge. IT0x1cAurAI