
From Pressure Wiki

Z-283-Chainsmoker, codenamed "Chainsmoker", is a monster in Pressure and a variant of The Angler, acting as a rare threat found in the Hadal Blacksite.


Chainsmoker resembles a heavily malformed green blobfish with a bulbous green nose, black eye sockets, and green smoke from his mouth. His features are distorted, with his open mouth covering most of his face.

Chainsmoker is constantly enveloped in green smoke emanating from its gaping mouth, obscuring everything except his face. Chainsmoker's face will always face the player, regardless of where they view him from.


Chainsmoker can spawn if the player's current or previous room has a valid hiding spot. When Chainsmoker spawns, nearby lights will flicker briefly, and Chainsmoker will begin advancing. When Chainsmoker is far from the player, he emits a noise that can be described as low rumbling with chains rattling; the noises become much louder when he gets close to the player, signaling players to hide.

Chainsmoker's raycast goes towards the player's head, and will not teleport anyone whose head is fully submerged.

Before Chainsmoker reaches the player's current room, he will emit green smoke that induces cleithrophobia, forcing players out of their hiding spots much earlier.

Chainsmoker is significantly slower than the other Angler variants, being the slowest node entity overall, with unagitated Pandemonium being slightly faster.

When Chainsmoker rushes through the room, all players in his line of sight will be instantly teleported to a unique death location that will kill them upon traversing to its end. Players who hide in time or escape Chainsmoker's line of sight before he passes through will be safe.


  • After a player spends a set amount of time in a room, there is a chance for Chainsmoker or any other node monster to spawn. This is called a timer spawn.
  • Before the Chainsmoker attacks, the navi-path of the next door will flicker briefly. Knowing this makes it easier to tell when Chainsmoker is coming into dark rooms or while passing through a room with Eyefestation.
  • Chainsmoker has a unique visual cue with his green smoke as well as different audio cues from Angler, making it easier to know if Chainsmoker is attacking.
  • Players can tell if Chainsmoker has spawned before hearing him by entering a locker. If they are hit with instant cleithrophobia, then Chainsmoker has spawned in the map.
  • Chainsmoker cannot spawn when the furthest room opened is a dark room.
    • This behavior is also present with other node monsters and Pandemonium.
    • If The Angler, or any of its variations (aside from Pinkie), spawn while the player is in a bright room, they will break the lights in their path and convert the room into a dark room. When this happens, Chainsmoker can no longer spawn until another bright room is opened.
    • There are reports of Chainsmoker spawning shortly after a door has opened to a dark room. This is assumed to be a bug, as Zeal has confirmed in the past that node monsters cannot spawn in dark rooms.[1]
    • The Ridge, while dark in many areas, is an exception to this and will continue to spawn Chainsmoker.

The Ridge

For more information, see: The Ridge

Chainsmoker spawns more frequently in the Ridge and will not be accompanied by visual cues besides green smoke. Due to the constant light flickering in the Ridge, players must rely on auditory cues to tell when a Chainsmoker attack occurs. Chainsmoker's attacking cues happen earlier while attacking in the Ridge, giving players more time to react.


The best way to avoid Chainsmoker is to hide before he rushes through the room. Making sure not to hide too early is crucial, as Chainsmoker's smoke can force you out of your hiding spot after a very short time.

Chainsmoker moves significantly slower in comparison to the other Angler variants. The recommended time to hide is when your screen begins to shake due to Chainsmoker's arrival; as by then, even with Chainsmoker's gas, cleithrophobia will most likely not be able to kick you out by the time Chainsmoker has passed the room. After Chainsmoker rushes through a room, the gas trail he leaves behind can be used to your advantage, as it provides some visibility in dark rooms as well as leaving a path players can follow.

Chainsmoker uses a raycasting hitbox to create his line of sight, so hiding in places that cover your character ultimately (including office cubicles, separate hallways, and vents) will work in evading Chainsmoker.


For more information, see: The Lore of Pressure

After Z-13 caused the Blacksite Lockdown, multiple variants of The Angler appeared on CCTV, with Chainsmoker being one of them. Because they were only spotted after the lockdown, anyone inside the blacksite is advised to treat them the same as The Angler would.



Main Article: Documents/The Angler



  • Chainsmoker is a variant of Angler, sharing the same core mechanic. There are multiple other variants of Angler, including Froger, Pinkie, and Blitz.
  • Chainsmoker is male. [2]
  • The green smoke that the Chainsmoker spews is the same smoke that the Paranoia's Box emits. [3]
    • This is further reinforced by his new death screen, which prominently features the aforementioned object.
  • Chainsmoker, like Blitz, has a unique death screen. When the player is caught by Chainsmoker, instead of a jumpscare, the player is transported to a landscape featuring a black mass in the middle of a green lake, surrounded by large chains, green fog, and various Hadal Blacksite crates floating in the liquid. In the distance is an enlarged Paranoia's Box. When the player approaches it, the box begins to open before cutting to black, and the player dies.
    • Before the August 29th, 2024 patch, Chainsmoker instead used the same jumpscare as The Angler. It was changed once again to the current one on August 30th, 2024.
  • Upon getting killed by the Chainsmoker, the player's corpse disappears.
  • If a player stays inside Chainsmoker's death screen room long enough, they can still get the achievement for surviving Chainsmoker despite dying.
