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Styx is a rare encounter in Pressure, jumpscaring the player at random times.


Styx takes the appearance of a black and white monster with eyes sticking out the side and an open mouth showing its tongue.


When a player opens a door, there is a 1/2000 chance for Styx to jumpscare them, appearing on the other side of the doorway for a split second accompanied by a loud screaming sound before disappearing. Despite this, Styx does not damage the player.




  • Styx is a joke monster made from the popular "Fishsticks Pog" meme from the Fortnite community. [1]
    • YourFriendZeal has stated that Styx was added to make fun of cheap jumpscares in horror games. [2]
  • The sound that Styx makes is a heavily edited version of the following sound from Jerma985.[3]


  1. Zeal sending a GIF of Fishsticks after an image of Styx YourFriendZeal on Discord, February 2024.
  2. "styx is a joke jumpscare to make fun of jumpscares" YourFriendZeal on Discord, June 2024.
  3. "styx's audio is sourced from jerma btw" YourFriendZeal on Discord, July 2024.

Main Monsters
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